Ancient Forum's Picture the Poster

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by ValiantKnight, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. Smojo

    Smojo dreamliner

    Recent bar photo of me and my girl friend 20190414_202535.jpg
    And to keep it legal
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  3. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    Yes they did but if you take a tour instead of just going there you get to go beyond the rope and inside the monument.
    Ancient Aussie likes this.
  4. David Atherton

    David Atherton Flavian Fanatic

    Well, I do turn 39 in June, so no spring chicken either. lol
    arizonarobin likes this.
  5. Smojo

    Smojo dreamliner

    51 in June, gotcha by a decade plus
  6. 7Calbrey

    7Calbrey Well-Known Member

    Better late than never. Imagine I wasn't aware of this intimate and friendly thread until now. I've been watching it for an hour. Can't wait to post a new photo of mine.
    Here's a nice one with my blue pet ( J.A. School). It was a very pleasant evening during the wedding of a friend's daughter. I was happy after some cheerful drinks. That was over 4 years ago. I'll be posting more fresh photos.
    Here's the blue photo first. Blue because she was wearing a blue robe. The coin happened also to be photographed on a blue base. Really crazy blue... Charles et Lucie  2014.jpg LysimO spiral  Lampsacus.JPG Lysimachos    Lanz 123.JPG
  7. Nathan P

    Nathan P Well-Known Member

    So here's a picture of me a couple years ago with my two sons when my beard was at its most glorious.

    I'm a fan of beards on coins, too.

  8. Magnus Maximus

    Magnus Maximus Dulce et Decorum est....

    I have since grown a beard out, and man I love it.
  9. TypeCoin971793

    TypeCoin971793 Just a random guy on the internet

    Your little one didn’t get the memo. ;)
    John Anthony likes this.
  10. ValiantKnight

    ValiantKnight Well-Known Member

    Great photos all! Good to see some new posts in the thread :)

    Me with my "son" :D


    Edit: forgot to add a coin! I'm feeling a bit Greek right now so here's one of my favorite Greek acquisitions :D

    Darios I to Xerxes II, Achaemenid Empire
    AR siglos
    Obv: Persian king/hero in kneeling-running stance right, holding spear and bow
    Rev: Incuse punch
    Mint: Sardes
    Date: 485-420 BC
    Ref: Carradice Type IIIb

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  11. arizonarobin

    arizonarobin Well-Known Member

    Here is me and my little Nikki. She has started a US coin collection this last year- which has been fun. They have great collecting pieces/sets for kids! However, I was greatly relieved when she asked me for her birthday next month if she could have some of the "good coins". I asked "good coins?" - to which she replied "yes the dirty cool ones like yours mommy." :hilarious: So along with her Kids mint set she will be getting a little bag of uncleaned ancients. :D

    and one of my Favorite Gal Val- because she looks so manly and I love the hair!
  12. TheRed

    TheRed Well-Known Member

    Since I last posted on this thread I've added another kid and lost some hair. There might be causation between the two.

    I'll add a coin to keep it legal. I've only purchased a coupleof coins this year. Here is a penny of Henry III from Canterbury.
  13. Numisnewbiest

    Numisnewbiest Well-Known Member

    Since I'm always behind the camera and never (never never) in front of it, I grabbed a really crappy screen shot from a really crappy video of my first skydive - so long ago the video is on was that, or my driver's license picture, and that's sure not going to happen. :jawdrop:


    And just a copper As of Augustus, struck under Tiberius

  14. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    I hereby dub thee "Ken Forkbeard".

    Numismatic note, copied from Wikipedia:

    A coin of Sweyn Forkbeard, minted in 995; this is the earliest known coin with a Latin inscription minted in Scandinavia, based on Anglo-Saxon models and made by an English moneyer (obv.: ZVEN REX AD DENER "Sven, king of [or among] the Danes", rev.: GOD-WINE M-AN D-NER "Godwine, moneyer among the Danes").[3]
  15. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

  16. Nyatii

    Nyatii I like running w/scissors. Makes me feel dangerous

    My most recent picture taken when my granddaughter came turkey hunting with me.
    Me Turkey Hunting with Gabrielle's glasses.jpg
  17. Alegandron

    Alegandron "ΤΩΙ ΚΡΑΤΙΣΤΩΙ..." ΜΕΓΑΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ, June 323 BCE

    LOL!!! Ain't Granddaughters WONDERFUL! Luvem to death! @Nyatii
  18. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    It is a little-known fact that turkeys cannot resist 'em some emoji glasses.
    Nyatii likes this.
  19. octavius

    octavius Well-Known Member

    looks like my family smiling.
    John Anthony likes this.
  20. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Wow, you aren't missing half your face!
    TypeCoin971793 likes this.
  21. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    My avatar is facetious.
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