1980s slabbed coin ?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Barber dime 94s, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    And the flips were soft pvc. Which was known to be bad for coin storage even then.

    ANACS put the coin in a long little polyfilm sleeve (like a sock) then folded it in half and placed the assembly inside the flip. With a little card insert in the 2x2 saying this was only temporary storage. Hence the market for long term storage holders.
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  3. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    It IS an older company. This what I had on the company in the book

    ANICS (American Numismatic Institute Certification Service) Active in 1987 to 1989 it used a photo-certificate based on that of ANACS with a background of yellow squares on the label. One variety seen

    ANICS 1 Similar to ANACS 5 but photos are smaller. To compensate for this, more of the label is folded over the front of the certificate. Background of yellow rectangles on label. Used from 1987 to 1989? (Copyright on the back is 1987 but every example seen so far have been dated 5/15/89.) The certificates are inconsistent though as to the size of the photographs. While the coin images are kept to the actual size of the coins, the area around the coins is not kept cropped to the same size so the amount of the label visible on the front varies. The certificate shown here shows the full name and address of the company on the front of the label. I have two others. One shows every thing seen here plus the bottom line of the back label, the other has everything except the phone number on the back of the label.

    You will notice that the certificate shown by the OP has the images even larger than on the ones I have and has even less of the front label showing on the front. (None of the company name and address or phone number is visible on the front label.) Also note that like every other one I have seen this one is also dated 5/15/89.
    Barber dime 94s likes this.
  4. Barber dime 94s

    Barber dime 94s Active Member

    Thanks for the info!
    What do you know as to the grading on these coins ? I just wonder if they are way off, like most of the unknown slabs you see .. The coin I purchased and a listing of another , are the only two I've saw but both appear to be atleast unc.
  5. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    I wouldn't know I never paid any attention to the grading. I research the slabs and certificates. I don't care about the coins in the holders, they aren't important.
  6. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Me to (collect the slabs). Conder, there are two ANICS for sale on eBay w/ different dates
  7. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Listen.. when you get this piece of history all you need to do is frame the certification and hang it on your wall with the coin somehow and I guarantee that it will be a conversational piece for as long as you have it. I even bet someone would be willing to buy it from you! ;)
    Barber dime 94s likes this.
  8. Barber dime 94s

    Barber dime 94s Active Member

    You know that's a pretty good idea, I hadn't though of that .
    paddyman98 likes this.
  9. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Put the coin in a air-tite... after that, any decent framing company can make a nice frame...
    Barber dime 94s likes this.
  10. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Just checked my two...

    One is dated 11/30/88 the other 5/15/89

    The '88 version has lighter print on the label (fonts and everything are the same, it's just lighter) and an embossed seal (which I can't clearly read).
    Barber dime 94s likes this.
  11. mackwork

    mackwork Caretaker of old coins & currency

    Conder101 - I have one dated 1/09/88


    Barber dime 94s likes this.
  12. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Interesting - yours has the embossed seal too. Mine from November also came with the exact same coin holder. Even weirder, my coin is rotated 45 degrees the other direction (i.e. 90 from yours).

    My mystery number is 182397
    Cert# C8000C

    If the mystery # is some kind of submission number, then in the time span from Jan-Nov, that gives 2317 submissions.

    I don't trust the cert# since my 5/5/89 (later) Franklin is 193285 (later) but C6224C (lower)...
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