1794 Spanish reale?

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by VetStudent, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. VetStudent

    VetStudent Junior Member

    I have been reading some threads and websites but simply can't figure out for sure what coin this is- I seem to think it is a 1794 8 reale but considering loss of detail and how similar such coins look I can't seem to be certain. Any help with ID and/or value would be appreciated!

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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Based on your picture, size compared to the dime, my guess is your coin is 4 reales. An 8 reales is more than twice the diameter of a dime, and this coin obviously is not. If you can physically measure it or weight it, I can confirm that, but I'm near 100% certain I am right anyway.

    I can't make out the entire date but it looks like 178x or 179x, which corresponds correctly to the rev design.
  4. Medussa

    Medussa Silver

    It is a coin from the Dominions of Spain. Bust of Charles IV with title Carolus IIII. ...given the size, my guess is a 2 reales; but this is not my expertise. If it is a "2"; about 92 1/8 grains of silver. Not sure of value; but in 1857, you could redeem that at the mint for 23.5 cents after it lost legal status in the US.
    GeorgeM likes this.
  5. VetStudent

    VetStudent Junior Member

    Thanks for thoughts so far! It is 27.5mm across if that helps in the two vs. four reale department :)
  6. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

    The two reales coin would have been smaller than that.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    It's a 4 reales.
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