1936 Walking Liberty Half Dollar - Die error or just abused?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Adam B, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Adam B

    Adam B New Member

    Hey everyone,

    I just had a renewed interest in coins so I went though my coin collection that I had as a kid and I came across a 1936 Walking Liberty that has a couple of features that caught my attention:

    Obverse side:
    • Has a dent at 3 o'clock and also a crack/line that goes into the rim
    • Where the 'Y' should be(you can actually barely see the bottom part of it) it looks like the metal might be raised up a little and feathers into the rim
    • There is also a line going across her leg and dress. Not sure if a scratch or a die issue. It feels like one edge of the scratch might be raised
    Reverse side:
    • Appears to be extra metal at 3 o'clock
    • The feathers to the bottom left of the extra metal are raised up a little. Looks like it starts at the top left of the feathers and goes about a 45 degree angle down to the left.\
    • Also a scratch going through the 'R' in DOLLAR
    Is this a issue with the die or something else?

    Thanks for any help!

    obverse.jpg reverse.jpg
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  3. Odieo331

    Odieo331 Member

    Looks like PMD. The "extra metal" on the reverse is likely a result of an impact created on the obverse at that 3 o'clock position you noted. Maybe the culprit is the claw part of a claw hammer?

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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