Let's see your newest acquisitions!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by H8_modern, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    Great Choice, WL. I can't afford to collect these in gold, but the bronze medals are also beautiful and in my opinion present some of the finest artwork from the US Mint of late.

    They're not misleading. The Liberty subset in this series uses classic portraits of Liberty instead of spouses for the four presidents that were not married during their terms.
    WingedLiberty likes this.
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  3. WingedLiberty

    WingedLiberty Well-Known Member

    Coins that cover the full spectrum of the rainbow.

    spirityoda, yKnot, gijoe76 and 5 others like this.
  4. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

  5. McBlzr

    McBlzr Sr Professional Collector

    Two ounces of Proof 2014 Gold arrived yesterday :thumb:

    100_5298.jpg 100_5295.jpg 100_5302.jpg
    JPeace$, Chiefbullsit, yKnot and 9 others like this.
  6. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    image.jpg image.jpg Got this recent raw I think it'll either go ms 63-4 or au-58
  7. xGAJx

    xGAJx Happy

  8. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    A coin ive had for over a month. I liked the coin and the price so it came home.

    CRISPUS (317 - 326 A.D.)
    O: IVL CRIS-PVS NOB C, Laureate head right.
    R: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, VOT X in wreath, mintmark Delta SIS sunburst in ex.
    Sisca Mint
  9. mainer020648

    mainer020648 Well-Known Member

    Addition to my 20th Century Type set.

    1940 Mercury 2_opt.jpg
  10. scotts1

    scotts1 Well-Known Member

    Here is a 1990 double strike Lincoln cent that I won on eBay! It just arrived yesterday and is my first double strike error.

    Attached Files:

    spirityoda, Effigy303, jello and 5 others like this.
  11. Odieo331

    Odieo331 Member

    Latest from the bay...


    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    JPeace$, Chiefbullsit, yKnot and 6 others like this.
  12. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    I finally got a shield nickel, and with Rays!

    1866 5C with Rays PCGS XF45 CAC Obv Slab HA.jpg

    1866 5C with Rays PCGS XF45 CAC Rev Slab HA.jpg
    JPeace$, spirityoda, USS656 and 16 others like this.
  13. micbraun

    micbraun coindiccted

  14. LionelR

    LionelR Supporter! Supporter

    Very nice!
    geekpryde likes this.
  15. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    For me it's plain and mild but for $40 you can't say no!!
  16. Savy

    Savy Well-Known Member

    That's a beauty! Typically I collect MS coins, but if I had the opportunity I would definitely get this one :)
    geekpryde likes this.
  17. gijoe76

    gijoe76 A Penny Saved is a Penny earned

    NGC MS67RD 1953 D Lincoln Wheat cent population 134/0 53dobv.jpg 53drev.jpg
    Paul_62, yKnot, Effigy303 and 6 others like this.
  18. gijoe76

    gijoe76 A Penny Saved is a Penny earned

    geekpryde likes this.
  19. gijoe76

    gijoe76 A Penny Saved is a Penny earned

  20. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    Looks like it. :)
    gijoe76 likes this.
  21. gijoe76

    gijoe76 A Penny Saved is a Penny earned

    I like it even more now. I like die cracks
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