Lincoln Cents 1958 and 1961 Doubling

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by newcoinboy, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. newcoinboy

    newcoinboy Member

    image.jpg image.jpg Was going through my unsure pile and was looking at these two, They both appear to have double Dates but not sure if they are Doubled Die or Machine Doubling. The 58 I believe is more MD. Any help would be great. Thank You
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  3. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    They both look pretty flat and shelf-like to me. I vote MD.
  4. markstamper

    markstamper Active Member

    im a noob but i say md
  5. ken454

    ken454 Well-Known Member

  6. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

    I think both are MD, but there seems to also be die deterioration on the top of the "1", the tail of the '9' and the right side of the '8'.
    jallengomez likes this.
  7. jallengomez

    jallengomez Cessna 152 Jockey

    Yep, MD. And Jim nailed the die deterioration doubling on the '58.
  8. foundinrolls

    foundinrolls Roll Searching Enthusiast

    Just don't put these in 2X2 holders, they cardboard would be worth more than the coins. I'm not trying to be silly, I'm just making mention that many people think that labeling a coin as machine doubled makes the coin a keeper.

    We need to point out occasionally that MD is common and doesn't add any numismatic value to a coin and actually can diminish the coin's value.
  9. newcoinboy

    newcoinboy Member

    Great Thank You all For your replies.
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