Coin store hours

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Hiddendragon, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    I recently moved to a new area and I just did a Google search to see what coin shops were in the area. I was excited to find one just a few miles away, and I was reading all the reviews and planning when I could go there. Then I looked at the hours. Monday-Friday, 10-3. Seriously? I work a 9-5 job, so the only way I'd ever get to this store is to take a day off of work. I look at other stores in the area, and most are 9-5 or 10-6 on weekdays, and if you're lucky 9-1 or 10-3 on Saturday. That's a few hours one day a week when it is physically possible for me to go to that store. I've never seen a coin shop that's open on Sunday. I don't understand how businesses can operate at hours when customers are unable to patronize them. I know many coin collectors are retired, but many are not and these businesses are missing out on a lot of potential customers.
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  3. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    "If you can't afford to take an hour or two off during the day, you can't afford my coins."
  4. texmech

    texmech Wanna be coin collector

    Maybe they will open up early or stay open later for you if you ask.
  5. largecent37

    largecent37 Coin Collector

    Maybe you could go during your lunch break? Distance permitting, that is.
  6. icerain

    icerain Mastir spellyr

    Worst part is, even if you do take a day off work to visit. You may get one of them snobbish I'm holier then thou attitude dealers.

    But I find a lot of small mom and pop hobby stores (like coins) Don't open on regular hours during the weekdays. I guess they see the store more of a hangout spot than anything else.
  7. ArthurK11

    ArthurK11 Active Member

    Maybe they do most of their work online. I went to a pawn/coin shop a few months ago and found nothing but junk and started talking to the guy there and he said he sells all of his higher end coins online.
  8. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    No, this is by my home in the suburbs and I work in Chicago. Besides, a lunch break isn't enough time for me to look at coins. I'd just be getting started when it was time to leave.
  9. Pilkenton

    Pilkenton almost uncirculated

    The store in Hammond is open 10-2 on Sunday. If you want to feel unwanted and degraded by the owner, it would be worth the drive.
  10. zachfromnj

    zachfromnj Junior Member

    Maybe you can call and introduce yourself, explain your situation and maybe they can work around you?
  11. Witty38

    Witty38 Member

    Yeah, most coin stores are doing business ONLINE. They have the shop as a front so they can write off expenses. Or they make arrangements to meet at the store if you have enough to buy or sell. And they do coin shows which takes a lot of time.

    Believe it or not, most customers of coins stores are indeed retired or have freedom at their work to leave when they want. If you're really interested in something at the store, go on Saturday!
  12. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    Making a special arrangement and then having the owner standing there staring at me as he waits to leave while I browse isn't the experience I'm looking for. I want to casually spend a few hours going through value bins, and that has to be done during normal hours.

    I'll find a different store, but I just wanted to remark on how unfriendly the hours are at so many places. I don't know how other people do their shopping in the middle of the day because I sure can't.
  13. kookoox10

    kookoox10 ANA #3168546

    I have a similar dealer in my area. Open Thurs-Saturday 10am-2pm. The good news is he's open Saturday, and that he has Wednesday for appointments only, for buyers and sellers. It didn't used to be this way, but he's a few months away from closing up his shop and retiring to Las Vegas. And he has a good shop too with tons of inventory, it will be a shame to see him go.
  14. bkozak33

    bkozak33 Collector

    L & B Coins in South Beloit is open on saturday and sunday. nice guys also.
  15. MisterSilver

    MisterSilver Country Roads Silver****

    My local coin dealer has tons of stuff but is opened 9-5 on weekdays then 10-3 on Saturdays. Iatleast I can usually fit an hour in on saturdays! They usually stay open a little later if you ask which is good.
  16. theSharpGun

    theSharpGun The King

    Yeah I know how it feel. For whatever reason, coin stores have very odd hours. I had the same problem recently.
  17. FadeToBlack

    FadeToBlack New Member

    If I ever open a coin store, I'm going to be like the guy about 25 minutes from my house... Closed Sunday and Monday, open Tuesday through Saturday, 10-6.
  18. camlov2

    camlov2 Member

    We have 4 stores within about 30 miles of my house. The first two have normal hours, the third is just like yours, the fourth is even worse.
    Store #1
    10-4:30 M-Sat
    Store #2
    10-5 M-F
    Store #3
    10-3 M-F
    Store #4
    10-3 Monday and Tuesday
  19. coinguy-matthew

    coinguy-matthew Ike Crazy

    This is a bold statement, what about the few people who's hour or two off from work could pay for your entire inventory????
  20. buddy16cat

    buddy16cat Well-Known Member

    Most make appointments as well but guess those or for those selling a bunch or buying a lot. Maybe many of their customers are retired. There were a lot of older guys at the coin show I went to.
  21. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    Yeah, I see appointments as for the big purchases and sales. I'm looking to spend two hours looking at coins and probably spend $100. No one is going to make special arrangements for me.
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