Which of these should get graded and where?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by smallmunster, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. lkeigwin

    lkeigwin Well-Known Member

    I think you did very well. Congrats.

    What's next?
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  3. jsilver2th

    jsilver2th Member

    I find this very interesting because I am in a similar situation and have just get started getting coins graded- it is a very interesting experience to say the least. I should send you a message to possibly compare notes. I think those grades look pretty good- I have some of the same coins actually and I have been told if you don't have a 09 S or a 14 D graded, slabbed you will have ahard time selling because there are so many fakes. I wish I had a minute to write but is Thanksgiving and I have to run.
  4. smallmunster

    smallmunster New Member


    I will probably not be buying too many more coins for while unless I come across a deal. I spent too much in the last few months to justify any more for while.


    I got these coins graded for a few reasons; to protect them, make sure they were genuine, to help with resale if I ever sell them in the future, and I was really curious to see what they would grade. I have not sold any coins so I can't say much about it, but I'm sure it will help resale for them to be graded and certified, especially of commonly faked coins.
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