Great Collections Auctions

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Owle, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Owle

    Owle Junior Member

    This company has been advertising heavily on the internet and seems to have a good system.

    Having dealt with a number of auction companies, the criteria for successful transactions tend to be:

    Efficiency and transparency of the bidding process.

    Quality of imaging.

    Competitive bidding and selling fees.

    Informative population figures and industry pricing of similar items.

    Anyone had experience with this company?
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  3. Yes, I have bid on and won several auctions from them. They have all of what you have listed as desirable except population figures and industry pricing. Great pics and lower buyer fees. I have been very pleased overall. TC
  4. SNDMN59

    SNDMN59 New Member

    I just checked website out, looks pretty good
    May make a few bids myself next week

  5. LindeDad

    LindeDad His Walker.

    One has to be very careful they can become addictive.
    Lot of candy in those windows make one buy things like this.


    And as mentioned great customer service have bought and been happy have not consigned to them but have heard nothing but good reports.
  6. Owle

    Owle Junior Member

    The advantage with Teletrade is the information at the bidder's disposal for buying with comparable items, though Heritage Auctions has much more. With Teletrade you can enter bids and reserves without any problem; it has a significant staff, and since connected to Spectrum company, they have deep pockets to bid on any coin and eyeball them directly since it is probably just down the hall from their headquarters office.

    The advantage with Heritage is that they have unlimited funds to buy what they need, but if they are the only high bidder, they can get the coin for whatever is the maximum runner-up, plus the next increment. The people in this industry are very sharp with a lot more information and savvy than the average collector. If they think a coin is an upgrade, they will get their upgrade. Ever try playing chess against the latest version of "Fritz"? That is about the likelihood of your beating the big boys; same goes with the stock and currency markets.

    At "Great Collections" you probably will not get market prices for your coins; just go to a coin show and try to buy type or nice coins for the current CDN bid price. I have run a number of coins there without doing any better than if I had checked around with dealers in those very same coins.

    In my experience the only coins that do well there are the usual auction coins--OH PCGS coins; rare coins with a good story behind them and fractional precious metals. I don't know why these people haven't incorporated the best features of the other auction companies.

    Teletrade may still be the best system for collector certified coins. They have learned by their successes and failures.
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