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Jun 17, 2024
Jun 13, 2013
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October 14
Winnipeg, MB

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HIC SVNT DRACONES, Male, from Winnipeg, MB

Whizb4ng was last seen:
Jun 17, 2024
    1. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    2. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    3. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    4. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    5. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    6. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    7. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    8. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    9. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday Whizb4ng,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    10. YOC
      Seems alot of people are still paying for Christmas.......ebay prices are just awful at the moment. I have so many beautiful coins to sell, mainly LRB's and nearly all are far better than Vcoins dealers have for sale, so I may have to start selling there I think. I'll save a packet on ebay fees which at the moment are about $800 a month!
      1. Whizb4ng
        Today is also the Super Bowl so most of the Americans are distracted. They have spent all their money on beer and snacks.

        I am going to be watching tonight and am hoping to sneak a couple of coins and good prices ;)
        Feb 2, 2014
    11. YOC
      Sorry you didnt win the GE coin WB! even sorrrier it went for peanuts to someone else.....its such a beauty the pics dont do it any justice. Bye bye ebay, hello Vcoins!!
      1. Whizb4ng
        Sniped at the last second as per usual! I really should have been more aggressive but have been hesitant on the bids lately.
        Feb 2, 2014
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    October 14
    Winnipeg, MB
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