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Aug 10, 2020
Jul 20, 2006
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doggone it people like me

900fine was last seen:
Aug 10, 2020
    1. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday 900fine,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    2. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday 900fine,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    3. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday 900fine,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    4. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday 900fine,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    5. Peter T Davis
      Peter T Davis
      Happy Birthday 900fine,

      According to our records today is your birthday.

      Many Happy Returns of the Day!
    6. Marshall
      I know I'm supposed to be selling. But I finally got my first NC. I just won this on Heritage:


      It's not even a bargain as $2000 seems to be the going rate for a VG and this is called G Details (that's pushing it) and is double holed so cut in half twice makes it about a $500. But the Buyer's premium and taxes for us Texans probably means I paid a little over. But you know me. I don't mind the damage as much on a coin with strength at the attribution points.
    7. chip
      Happy Birthday Big fellow
    8. 900fine
      hereittis2 - the obverse picture is way too small to really tell. Try a larger picture. If necessary, start a new thread or just send me the pic.

      The only thing I saw is something above the "T"; it looks like a bang or cut or something. Appears to be post-Mint damage, but it's hard to say.
    9. hereittis2
      hi..i posted the 1856 half today...im contacting you cause i cant seem to reply to the thread..i appreciate your insight...can you tell me what you think that is in the obverse shield..i was going to post a larger picture...dont mean to bother you but obv.has me curious too...could it be a partial number?
    10. 10gary22
      I posted my results of a roll I bought on eBay in the wrong forum. Sorry
    11. chip
      Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one for you.
    12. Eduard
      Hi 900,
      Thank you very much for the tip about the Book 'In Yankee Doodle's Pocket'. I shall try to get a copy of it.
      Funny what you said about keeping up with the Joneses and such - pls excuse me, not my intention at all. You don't know how many dishes I had to pledge my wife I will wash in exchange for bein 'allowed' to get this coin!
      Thanks and take care,


      PS- do you live in Texas?
    13. 900fine
      Yes... my Main Man Bootsy Collins !
    14. rzage
      I've been trying to guess your everchanginging Avatars , I think your new one is Bootsy Collins one great bass player , am I right .
    15. 900fine
      Numismatic present ? No, not yet. But some darn good shopping ! I went to Heritage in Dallas and gave a thorough look-see of the auction lots for the upcoming Long Beach soiree.

      Daddy gonna git a present out o' this - fo shizzle. :kewl:

      That is one heckuva a good way to learn AND shop for what you want. It's like a giant coin show, all at your fingertips. Some strong material, that's fo sho.
    16. mgChevelle
      good, Im glad. Any numismatic presents?
    17. mgChevelle
      todays a good day, isn't it
      i dont know you, but wanted to say happy birthday
    18. 900fine
      Thanks ! Yeah, ol' Marty was quite a guy.
    19. Indianhead65
      I like your new avatar. LOL...Marty Feldman was always a favorite of mine.
    20. llavexxx
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