is this a new trend nowadays?...

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Dancing Fire, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    please excuse me if this is a stupid question. why do people send modern coins in for grading? :scratch: i've been away from the coin market in the past 11 yrs so i don't know what's going on. :confused:
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  3. joey0053

    joey0053 ZERT Operator

    because in 65+ years they will no longer be modern but at least they will be certified and protected and of more value.
  4. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    :) me too Dancing Fire. To me it appears to try to get an MS70 grade.
  5. Hunt1

    Hunt1 Active Member

    Maybe they think they're neat, im a victim of this.
  6. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    My answer would be hype that abounds in trade magazines and TV. The Sneech Theory ~ Everyone wants a star on yars :)

  7. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    A large part of the reason is Registry Sets. Those building Registry Sets need slabbed coins with the highest possible grades. Coins graded MS-70 will garner them more points than coins graded MS-69 (even though none of those collectors can spot the difference between the two).
  8. cman

    cman Junior Member

    i really dont know y...
  9. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Although I don't agree, some collectors believe a high grade, high mintage coin is worth a lot and are willing to pay for it - they call it grade rarity, because the coin itself isn't rare. On the other hand, some modern coins issued by the mint for collectors have very low mintages and will be rare regardless of grade, yet high grades will command a premium. In today's market there are sometimes significant differences in price between grades, and few are willing to pay that difference without an expert certifying the grade.
  10. Strikeluster

    Strikeluster New Member

    My brother in law is always at the bank trying to get large amounts coins of every type, searching. I mean hard searching, every coin with a stero microscope to find coins with MS 70 potential, then he sends them for TPG, hoping for that lofty MS 70 grade. Very time consuming me if you ask me, but he loves it so more power to him.

  11. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    The owners of Registry Sets are just a small percentage of the people who are "chasing after perfection". At least their objective is for a gain the prestige of having to best set. As for the others who buy 70's, and it doesn't matter if it is from eBay or Coin Vault, they don't have the slightest idea what they are doing. It's one thing to search for and submit coins for the highest MS or PF grades, but it is entirely ridiculous to buy them already slabbed since the vast majority of them will never be worth the premium. The only consolation for those people is that when their heirs inherit these coins, they will be able to sell them without worrying if they did or didn't make money on the deal.

  12. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Have any idea what grades for what coins and how many of each your brother in law has gotten certified?
  13. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust

    They smell better than collecting cats.
  14. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    am i the only person to believe that there are no such grade as MS 68-70?
  15. Numismatist47

    Numismatist47 New Member

    Their taking a gamble the coin will come back with a MS/PR-70 grade so they can over inflate their asking price to sell it.
  16. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    must be ...cuz i don't see any other reason to slab a coin that was made yesterday. :confused:
  17. hamman88

    hamman88 Spare some change, sir?

    Yes, there are perfect coins. They are very common (in mint sets and proof sets that is)
  18. Player11

    Player11 Bullish

    It is mainly a suckers market fed by the Registry Craze. I do not pay a premium above grey sheet for slabbed modern coins.
  19. vnickels

    vnickels Matt Draiss Numismatics & Galleries

    Slap a PCGS holder on anything and the value goes up!
  20. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    after the hype is over ....i feel sorry for those owners of these so call perfect coins.
  21. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    The Joshua collection of Mercury Dimes is currently on sale through Heritage. Take a look and you might end up retracting that statement.

    The Joshua Collection of Mercury Dimes

    However, I am open to hearing your opinion on the subject if you stand by it.
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