Unknown coin

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by rubelj, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. rubelj

    rubelj Junior Member


    Anyone knows what kind of "coin" is this?


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  3. rdwarrior

    rdwarrior Junior Member

    Is there any lettering on the rim?
  4. rubelj

    rubelj Junior Member

    No, nothing at all.

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  5. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    I think - it is not a coin.
  6. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

  7. rdwarrior

    rdwarrior Junior Member

  8. rdwarrior

    rdwarrior Junior Member

    I am thinking it is more likely some anniversary, likely of independence? The value of 65000 makes it likely of a poor country with inflation problems.
  9. rubelj

    rubelj Junior Member

  10. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    A war that relates to 1945-2010 might be the cold war. 1945 to 2010 equates to 65 years. Perhaps that has something to do with the number 65.000.00 on the piece. I don’t believe it is a coin. This hummingbird photo is kind of cool:
  11. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    The first post (#16) asks what that piece could possibly be, and provides some info about the size: A little smaller than a 50 cent coin (Ø 23.25 mm) and a little bigger than a Vreneli (Ø 21 mm). No gold, he thinks, as the weight is just 5.8 g. The reply basically says "pix please" :) and that it is probably an MDM junk medal (MDM is a major coin dealer, but they also sell lots of "paranumismatic" stuff.) That's it - and I don't think the guess regarding MDM is right.

  12. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    The Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 so that could not be it.

    I doubt the item is a coin - no country of issue and no denomination (65,000 is not a denomination - 65,000 what?).
  13. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    For some reason that piece (or that type) is enjoying some popularity these days. Just came across it in another German forum:

    One of the answers says that it probably comes from an English language country, due to the way the "sixty five thousand" is written (see my reply #5 here). And somebody thinks these were/are used by a Dutch mail order company (flowers/plants). Now whether the latter is right ... I doubt it, but who knows. :)

  14. rubelj

    rubelj Junior Member

    Thank you, guys, for your opinions and your help. Sooner or later we'll find out more about this "coin". :smile

  15. EgCollector

    EgCollector New Member

    Just thinking out loud,

    1945-2010 is 65 years so may be thats what the wiered denomination is "65,000,00". So may be a 65 years since discovering an island, and i think it is more like a token or a medal than a coin.

    Just my opinion :)
  16. digitaly

    digitaly New Member

    i recently get in hand the same coin here in Slovenia

    Wondering "wtf" is that coin... :)
  17. brataccas

    brataccas Junior Member

    is that 65 million? perhaps a tribute to the rough estimate of 65 million soldiers who died in ww2? just a wild guess:(
  18. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    No, about 60 million died during WW2, but two thirds of them were not soldiers. More importantly, the number is "65,000.00", with five zeros ...

    @digitaly: Hmm, the initial poster is from Slovenia as well. Would you write "sixty five thousand" as "65,000" in SI? Over here (DE) we would write that "65.000", and I thought that was used in Slovenia too - hence my assumption that the piece has some Anglo-American "background". But this is a wild guess too. :)

  19. hiho

    hiho off to work we go

    The ship and the tulips suggest a Dutch medal.
  20. rubelj

    rubelj Junior Member

    You're right, Christian,
    This must be an anglo-american coin. I don't think it is a slovene one (we write 65.000,00).
  21. digitaly

    digitaly New Member

    yes here in slovenia we write ,00 two decimal number at the end! So sixty five thousand = 65.000,00€ :)

    it's doesn't matter any way i found out where this coin is from.

    it was made as "lucky coin" for anniversary by company called Bakker-Holland

    65.000,00 represent giveaway amount of cash you can get, but you must buy something first to participate in Mega Giveaway Contest ... :)
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