Is there really another a coin shortage

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by potty dollar 1878, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. potty dollar 1878

    potty dollar 1878 Well-Known Member

    Apparently not in @Amberlarry22 Michigan world:mad::mad:but down here I'm back where I started,boxes are a rare sight in my area now again.(the a got glitched in somehow).
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  3. Noah Worke

    Noah Worke Well-Known Member

    Not sure, last time I went to my bank all they could give me was a box of nickels, even with an account. Took what I could, though.
  4. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Coin shortage ? There's been a coin shortage in my pockets since I got married ! :jawdrop:
    Love ya baby !!
  5. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Everybody kept saying so but my area never experienced it. Change has always been available and my bank never turned me away.
  6. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    dont use cash or coin, all American Express :)
  7. Spark1951

    Spark1951 Accomplishment, not Activity

    The only place here in Central Arkansas that has notices posted that there is a coin shortage is WalMart. I think that is a ploy so they can prevent you from using cash and coin at their self-checkout kiosks. If you want to use cash and coin at WalMart they force you to stand in line to deal with a cashier.

    So I pop in to WalMart to pick up 1 item costing less than $5.00. In front of me at checkout is 25 self-use stations, every single one with a notice “NO CASH SALES”. 8 of them are being used. I tell the attendant I’m paying cash for my 1 item and she tells me I have to use a cashier lane. There are 2, both have 4 customers with full carts. So I wait and actually take 20 min. to check out when it could have only taken 90 seconds. And, YES, there at the cashier end is posted a notice saying there is a nationwide coin shortage and the cashier has limited change. I give the cashier a $5 bill and my change is supposed to be $1.69…but she hands me a single $1.00 bill and 3 quarters.

    No place else has notices posted, but yes, there actually is a coin shortage and it is only at WalMart…imo…Spark
  8. RomaniGypsy

    RomaniGypsy Active Member

    I've found that it depends upon where you are. Yesterday I hit a bank that said they had plenty of coin. (You know, I don't really like calling it coin. Grammatically correct though it may be, it still sounds singular.)

    By contrast, where I live, the banks don't seem to get much. So I've ended up taking from other places, generally close to or in cities, and dumping in my home area.

    Within the past month I've had it happen where I walk out of a bank with literally nothing, because they had no coin to spare, and also where I walk out with several hundred dollars' worth and the tellers are practically singing the Hallelujah chorus as I carry it out. In summary, I'm not sure about the "coin shortage". It may be a thing, but its severity varies drastically by location.
  9. RomaniGypsy

    RomaniGypsy Active Member

    That's why I hate shopping at Wal-Mart. They're removing staffed cash registers in favor of self-checkouts, and not even staffing all of the registers they have. They could afford to staff them easily, with people getting paid enough to want to be there, but they choose not to.

    I've found that Aldi is getting bad at that too. The other day I spent a minute shopping and seven minutes in the cashier's line because there was one cashier and six customers.
    Noah Worke likes this.
  10. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    Blame it on the $15 minimum wage. The week they announced the increased min wage McDonald's installed their ordering kiosks in our local McD's. Walmart increased their self checkout as well.

    They all abided by the required minimum wage by reducing their staff. None of these companies are going to sacrifice their bottom line without some kind of pushback.
    Noah Worke likes this.
  11. Amberlarry22

    Amberlarry22 Well-Known Member

  12. Amberlarry22

    Amberlarry22 Well-Known Member

    Its here also. Been turned down plenty of times for coins.
  13. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    There is a 7/11 near one of my jobs. This is the only place in the last 6 months that has a coin shortage in my area. So, hear me further. This place is either stealing money, or they are just plain lazy and able to get away with it. I go in there for a fountain drink and they always short the cents. Sometimes more than just the cents. Anyways last time this gal shorted me 14 cents. I was able to see the drawer that time and she had plenty of change. I had had enough. They never give three quarters when the change is 73 cents. I said uh you shorted me. This gal threw a fit. Oh, and she had a big line too! The guy behind me says, Yeah this place always shorts me too. I looked at the girl and said. You have full rolls of every denomination sitting in there. I want my change. I got my change but while she was opening the roll of cents, it exploded all over the floor and register. I did my best not to laugh, and politely smiled and said have a good day. a penny here a nickel or dime there really isn't much money in the long run but if you do that to every customer every day it ends up being a chunk of change.
    Evan Saltis and masterswimmer like this.
  14. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Pretty soon the only people that will be
    working is robots…LOL , as you don’t have to pay them any benefits and
    never ask for a raise.
  15. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    Everyone did. No one wants to pay what are supposed to be high school level summer/entry level jobs like that that type of salary with health benefits. It's just simply not worth it for such an unskilled job.

    It's also extremely unrealistic for someone to expect every checkout lane to be staffed. NO ONE does that unless they only have like 2-3 checkout lanes. Costco, fastfood, home depot, walmart, target, sams club, giant, safeway, walgreens, cvs etc you name it and there will be unstaffed checkout lanes
    John Skelton and imrich like this.
  16. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    Precisely my point. Those positions are entry level, summer, vacation, jobs. They are not career, lifetime employment jobs. So what did the minimum wage increase do? It reduced available jobs. It created more unemployment. More dependency on an already overburdened entitlement system.
  17. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely. It always baffled me that there was somehow a movement where entry level jobs are supposed to be able to support a family. Nothing sped up the self checkouts more than that
    Evan Saltis likes this.
  18. RomaniGypsy

    RomaniGypsy Active Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2021
  19. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

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  20. Evan Saltis

    Evan Saltis OWNER - EBS Numis LLC Supporter

    You very much should be making a fuss about that.

    That makes me think people are snagging a few at a time. Maybe grab a $5 and short customers by nickels and dimes through that lane for the day.

    I used to be the guy who counted the tills at the end of the night (it was great in that regard) but sometimes they'd be off just enough that I'd be suspicious as to whether something was intentional or not.

    And as the ex-grocery store worker... seeing some of these people opening rolls is just appalling. No logic in these people.
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  21. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2021
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