Some finds in the 1970S Lincoln cent bag

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by desertgem, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    A few days ago , I started his thread about getting to go through a bag of 1970-S Lincolns, and thought I would share.

    I have gone through about 700-800, and I have found 2 varieties for sure and a few ???? that I will have to research first.

    Here is the RPM-002 , I have found about 12 of these. Not expensive though. The marker is a die line through the "7"

    I also have found 2 of these DDO, 1970-S-1DO-007. The marker is the die crack from the bottom of the 2nd "T" in STATES on rev.



    Please, if I may warn, Do Not leave BU copper in a canvas bag for 40 years and expect there will not be spots and even corrosion. But anyway,thought some might be interested. Still no SmDates, and I really don't expect any now. Still fun since they are BU, and the markers are easy to see.

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  3. Just Carl

    Just Carl Numismatist

    AHHH but just think in the year 2070 those may well be worth some money. And even more so in 2170. ;):D:goofer:
  4. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Honestly, the fun of looking, and sharpening my eye is worth the time to look. I will be sorry when I hit the bottom of the bag, but there is still the other bags also.

  5. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

    I agree the fun of searching is enough. I check all my pocket change, but have yet to get a bag to search. I can't imagine doing 1000's of coins. It is just exciting to find in change something exciting like those varieties you posted. Probably how collectors back in the 40's thought about getting a 3 legged buffalo. Cool finds!!!
  6. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Very Nice!!
  7. quartertapper

    quartertapper Numismatist

    I envy you. I would love to stumble on a find like that. At least some of my family knows my hobby, and occasionally I'm allowed to search hoards. It usually makes my week a little brighter!:thumb:
  8. flyers10

    flyers10 Collector of US Coinage

    You just gave me inspiration for my next contest on cointalk. A few years back I got 29 rolls of 1970-S Lincoln Cents. All in regular paper rolls and they were marked BU. I went through about 5 or 6 rolls only checking for small dates. Didn't see any as far as I know. I gave up checking the rest. The coins I went through were all in pretty nice condition mostly red. I did not check for any other varieties. I got this coins at like double face value so I think I did pretty well. I am going to send you 10 rolls for you to have and go through. Just let us know if you find anything good. Shipping is on me. Just PM me with your address if you would like them.

    Now for the contest. Still working out the rules but the prize will be for 10 rolls of the 1970-S Lincoln cents. Jim not eligible for the contest since he will be getting 10 rolls already. Check the Contest thread for contest details. Good hunting Jim!
  9. mralexanderb

    mralexanderb Coin Collector

    Nice finds, Jim. And now for flyers10's contest...

  10. tiag12

    tiag12 w/out the penny we'd all

    I have a few Wheatie .1 cent pennies, but not really sure where to go creating a .1 cent coin collection.

    Today I went out and picked up $5.00 worth of pennies no where near the $500.00 boxes I have been reading about, just to see what the odds would be in finding something of interest; but I really do not know what I am looking for. Can someone tell me what date or Mark type should I be looking for?

    The 1970 "S" shown above, what gives it its' value, the coin, the the mint mark? Both?

    Also covers. I understand some coin covers bleed over unto the coins; aside from staying away from water how can I avoid color run-off?

    Thanks for your help in advance.
  11. quartertapper

    quartertapper Numismatist

    I would find some sort of price guide to help you pick out the ones worth keeping. As for the 1970-S you should be looking for, they call it a small date, but actually is referring to the seven's top being level with the nine and zero. It takes a bit to train your eye on this. I usually use a magnifying glass and straight edge to spot these rarities.
  12. tiag12

    tiag12 w/out the penny we'd all

    My eyes work on PT bases, wearing reading glasses and a magnifying glass is a must. Thanks for your help.

    So I should be looking for pre 19XX?
  13. quartertapper

    quartertapper Numismatist

    I would keep an eye out for the 1960 small date,obverse doubled-dies: 1969-S, 1970-S, 1971, 1972, 1984, and 1995. 1983 has a reverse doubled- die, and the Philly cents between 1998 and 2000 have a wide am variety some cherry pick for. I think with a Google search, you should be able to get a good idea what all of these look like.
  14. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Well so far they have all been Large date, and tossing the badly spotted and corroded ones, the remainder averages about MS-63 or so. Probably about 5-6 cents a piece or so. I have been pulling out the better unspotted ones, those may be couple to several dollars each. The varieties seem to be valued at under $25, even though the S/S RPM 2, is said to have a rarity value of URS-4 ( 5-8 known), and one would think they would be worth more, except supply and demand rules :) Maybe my friend and I have a major hoard of them, but we would have to hope everyone will want one. Guess I should start thinking about my Ebay ad :)

  15. tiag12

    tiag12 w/out the penny we'd all

    Well out of the 499 .1cent pennies (One was a .1cent 1950 Canada penny) I pulled out these coins of interest to me a 1950 "D" Two 1969's One being an "S" type, the other "D." One 1970 "S" but the 7 is warn down just enough not to be in line with the top of the 0 and or the 9, then a 1973 "S" Lastly Four 2009 Log Cabin .1cent pennies.
  16. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Well, the bag is done and back to the original owner, who was happy also.

    Now he would like me to go through his bag of 69-S. he said he thinks he has 2. :)

    Here is a plain 70S, one of the better ones.



  17. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    WOW! What a HUGE job....I'm not sure I could take it. LOL

    It's good you were hunting for gems too. I would have made that a priority because most of the 70S's are pretty horrible.
  18. manic_mechanic

    manic_mechanic Senior Member

    Yes indeed, the lin-laws will occasionally drop a big bag of rainy day funds in front of me and let me sift through them.....hey, at least I don't have to talk to anybody over the holidays because my nose is buried in a bag/jar/candy cane novelty bank full of coins, right? :D
  19. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Thad, I pulled out about 5 rolls of the best, along with a few of the DDO above,and a good number of RPM#2. It did sharpen my eye, and messed with my back and shoulders :). No off center, struck through, error type coins, and 90+ % were put back into the bag with dings, damage, and spotting , beginning corrosion problems. You are correct, gems are far between for this year/mint. I was really hoping to find some RPM#1 and maybe at least a couple of small dates, but not in this bag.

  20. Thunderwatcher

    Thunderwatcher New Member

    desertgem, im new to this site, but have been searching for a while. Searched 2-$25 boxes of pennies this week...found a 1970 s... the 1970 and s are all doubled. i'm having a real hard time taking a good picture though. Have you heard of this?? Any tips on taking good pictures? thanx-
  21. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Yes, when I did the bag, a large number of the cents were Machine Doubled. A sure sign is the doubling ( flattened) on both the mint mark which was punched separately to the main hubbing, and also on the the cent details. I think I kept a couple of rolls of them someplace.
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