Read this !

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by GDJMSP, Dec 26, 2009.


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I already have 6 names, I doubt 7 is necessary :p
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  3. goossen

    goossen Senior Member

    I agree. Is better to stop it now and don't let it turn worst. I know Internet forums are really hard to control (I worked in an ISP for 5 years), and sometimes tolerance should be left at home. My thumb up for you GDJMSP!!
  4. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Well said
    I agree 100% with GDJSMP
  5. Coinman_Ben

    Coinman_Ben Member

    I agree, there really is no need for bickering and personal attacks, thoughtful debate, on the other hand, where issues are discussed and both parties are willing to learn from each other, is a very healthy practice, the only problem is when it spins out of control and that's what moderators are for.

    Also, if it feels like people in a forum are "accusing" you of things you feel aren't true, it's best to just let it go and find a different forum to participate in, fighting against people you feel are saying bad things against you will only fan the flames.

    In my opinion, the best thing to do when people are accusing you having an unsavory demeanor is to do some soul searching, look at your personality, and be honest with yourself, ask yourself what you can do to improve the situation and don't focus on revenge because that takes the focus off the only person you can change and trying to change anybody but yourself will only lead to a life of frustration and misery.
  6. fishaddicit

    fishaddicit Senior Member

    Aye Aye Cpt. Doug.
  7. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Yes sir, no problem here. I totally agree, understood.
  8. sodbuster

    sodbuster Junior Member

    I may have missed something, too. I usually only frequent a few threads. I will say, though, that it seems like there must be a few people with very thin skins - having their feelings hurt by things posted on a COINTALK board of all places. I suppose we as coin collectors already have a kind of nerdy, whimpy reputation. This would only seem to add to that.

    People never cease to amaze me... both people who would post ad hominem attacks on people they've never met (honestly, I have not seen or experienced such a thing here), and ESPECIALLY people who would threaten law suits over something someone posted on an internet discussion forum - ON COINS!

    Life's just a little bigger than that - or at least it should be.


    I'll shut up and go back to my "roll searching" thread now.
  9. Rushmore

    Rushmore Coin Addict

    I don't post here all that often, I wish I visited more often, just don't have the time, but I think this is the friendliest forum I have ever visited.
  10. imrich

    imrich Supporter! Supporter

    I believe the word argumentative was very appropriate, but maybe, too kind and considerate. Synonymous words, probably better understood, might be: combative, quarrelsome, scrappy. The gist of the adjectives being: fond of, or prone to, initiating arguments. An argument generally being contrary to: having a discussion, initiating debate, or having meaningful dialog. An argument being more subjective and discompassionate, a debate or dialog being more objective and respectful, avoiding character "assassination". I trust, we generally understand that learned objective civil discourse is
    permissible, and promoted on this site. I believe Doug needn't defend his word choice, know that we appreciation his efforts in trying to retain civil communication, and application of the "Golden Rule" in a public "arena". Thanks Doug, and to those who've understood.
  11. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust

    I don't like that font. But I think I agree.:hatch:
  12. imrich

    imrich Supporter! Supporter

    This post is great!! Objective disagreement overcast by humor. Keep it up!!
  13. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Font you..... oh, oh. that may draw a demerit.
  14. SNDMN59

    SNDMN59 New Member

    This a awsome site, I tell all my customers about it, :bow:
  15. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP

    Agreed. A thread that recently got locked comes to mind.
  16. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Let's not forget folks - it's you guys, the members, who make this forum what it is whether that be good - or bad.
  17. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    It blinds me !!
  18. SNDMN59

    SNDMN59 New Member

    That Is true but I was raised up in life, That you need a good rock to start a good foundation .:thumb:
  19. AdamL

    AdamL Well-Known Member

    I see you're in St. Charles. Where/what is your business?
  20. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    A demerit? More like detention for a few days!! :D
  21. SNDMN59

    SNDMN59 New Member

    I have some antique booths in ALTON , IL where i also have a wall showcase of coins, vintage sport cards. I have it over there , my parents live in JERSEYVILLE.
    I do buy alot of coin supplies & world coins at star coins on 5th street.
    If you or friends are ever in ALTON ,It is at the alton exchange on the beltline behind whitecastle . # 26 BOOTHS & SHOWCASE just tell them sandman sent you , lol they are use to it by. now. My wife and stepchildren are opening up a business on mexico road , the stip mall behind 7 ELEVEN Check my antique ablum.
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