Read this !

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by GDJMSP, Dec 26, 2009.


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I am truly sorry that it has gotten to the point that I feel that I have to post this. But here it is and woe be to the person or persons who fails to heed my warning.

    So here's the deal. From now on in any thread, ANY THREAD, statements posted by ANYBODY about ANYBODY that I find to be deliberately worded to be argumentative or insulting - those statements are going to be deleted and the person making them is going to get an infraction. Same goes for those who IMO fan the flames. And infraction points add up. Get enough and you are temporarily banned. Get more after that and you are gone forever - forever.

    I'm sick and tired of this. You all, every damn one of you know better. And I'm &^%$#@ ! And me being &^%$#@ is absolutely not a good thing. You are not a bunch of school children. But if you continue to insist on acting like a bunch of school children then I will damn well treat you that way.

    This stops here and now. And you better believe I mean it.
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  3. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    wow, understood. I must have missed something, but I'm just here to talk coins with my buddies.
  4. bhp3rd

    bhp3rd Die varieties, Gems

    This is a good thing even though I have on occasion been

    This is a good thing and should be done, it's time.
    I have on occasion been fed up with some (members) and uttered the type of things you are referring to. In doing so I have been wrong and never felt very good about such things. Reasons for such are not relevent or ever justified though we are just humans and subject to this from time to time. You cannot change us from being human and falling short of the mark but it is right and just to put and end to personal jabs or inflamed remarks in all posts on CoinTalk. They never serve any purpose anyway but to vent our petty frustrations, that are better left un-heard. In some respects the passion many of us have is a credit to the hobby. We just all need to generate that passion for a positive result.
    In my own case if I cannot "add to" the topic something of value I will try and not talk at all. Adding to does not always mean agreeing with or hand holding but that to can be phrased in a mature way I am sure.

    I'm sure you are and have been frustrated right now having to make such declarations but it may turn out to be a blessing in the long run as often painful things do - I sincerly hope it adds strenth and new found energy to all the posts!
  5. all4u

    all4u bullion noob

    Ok I read this. I'm new so I expect people to flame me and give me a hard time because I'm still learning, I don't mind, but I do understand what is being said here and I do agree.
  6. AdamL

    AdamL Well-Known Member

    I must have missed something too. But now that I've read this I'll try to mind my p's and q's. :)
  7. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    In my opinion, there is no need to ever "flame" someone because they are new. You haven't had the experiences we have, you don't have the knowledge we have. Some posts might be silly questions, some posts might be just plain wrong - but there is no reason for personal attacks. I try to always educate, and do it as nicely as possible. It is then the readers responsibility to take that and learn - not to take it as a personal insult because I'm trying to correct something they got wrong.
  8. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    Pretty simple... you play by the rules, or you don't play. And that's the way it should be.
  9. borgovan

    borgovan Supporter**

    I can understand insulting, but argumentative? Would you please provide us with clarification of your definition? This whole place is full of debate, which can be taken as argument. We debate/argue over coin grades, toning, cleaning, values of coins, and a hundred other issues.

    I understand your need to control the forum to keep it friendly, but to what extent is discourse permissible?
  10. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Argumentative? I think a lot of Lehigh's threads are argumentative. (And, Lehigh, that is not meant to be offensive but is more of a compliment.) His recent thread about the 1954-S Jefferson was posted to put forth reasons for or against; debate - and that is a direct quote of the is the number 1 definition of argue.
  11. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    I think there is nothing wrong about being argumentative. (As long as it is about coins)
    There are two threads in the GD, basically about the same thing. We have gotten sidetracked from coins, and a lot of discussions turn into full blown arguments about people's character, knowledge, etc. Which is just useless bickering.
    I know what I have done in the past, and I have no problem manning up to it, just like I did in the thread "Felt Need To Post This II"
    Doug, you have my word, any conversations that I am in, or I started, will be about coins, and coins only.
  12. all4u

    all4u bullion noob

    I understand if someone gets a bit ticked at my post and "stupid questions" but some people don't take the time to check to see if who they are responding to is a new member. I would like to ask more questions but I don't want to start a fight so I'm more or less relying on the search feature and google. I don't want to cross any lines or ask a question that has been asked before. That could be the straw that breaks the horse's back. :eek:
  13. chip

    chip Novice collector

    I think people can disagree without being disagreeable. Just stick to the subject.
  14. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Folks perhaps I should have used a better word than argumentative, but to be honest I could not think of one. You can argue, debate, discuss and vociferously talk about coins until the sun turns black - and you'll not hear a word about it from me - except maybe to join in.

    The context in which I used the word was in reference to another member and only in reference to another member. And no, not just 1 particluar member - I mean ANY other member.

    In other words if you make it personal, you're going to have a problem.

    Now if you still don't understand, then say whatever you want and you'll just have to trust my judgement. But seeing as how I am usually counted as being among the most fair minded people that walk the surface of this planet - you don't really have a lot to worry about in that regard.

    And yes, I can easily recognize a friendly jab and differentiate it from an insult. I've been around here a long time and most of you know me pretty well. Most of you know the rules pretty well. Nothing is really different now than it ever has been in that regard. Behave as decent human beings, and you'll have no problems.

    That should not be hard to understand.
  15. buzzard

    buzzard Active Member

    This is a excellent site for coin conversation and only been here a short while but I have seen some people just a few let things get out of hand. Again this site is great and a lot of good people have given me a lot of good information. When I am at work it passes time and asorb all this excellent information on coins!!!!
  16. sixsix

    sixsix Thank you Very much...

    :whistle: Love this place...

    Just like a real family, what with dad - layin' down the law, sons, daughters, mom, extended cousins, kid next door, etc.

    Thanks to all, even the weird posts are entertaining. Was wondering when this was going to happen...

    All hail CT !!!

  17. Saor Alba

    Saor Alba Senior Member

    I will opin that a user here, a new user whom I have no connection with whatsoever, and they and the mods know whom they are, made some accusations against myself, and some insinuations which I will continue to monitor and proceed with. I was accused of untoward and unbecoming behaviour, in a libelous manner. I take this seriously. As such I will no longer contribute, participate etc in this forum but will continue to monitor it, and proceed as necessary in a legal fashion against said person.
  18. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust

    What This Member Sez

    I hope to disagree with an opinion when I disagree.

    Heck, what good would this place be if we all knew the same things to the same extent?

    Hopefully I've not attacked the person, just their shallow insipid uninformed self serving intrusions into spreading bad information.:eek:hya:
  19. borgovan

    borgovan Supporter**

    Thanks for the clarification. All sounds very reasonable. We're here to talk about coins, which should always be a friendly conversation. Ad hominem comments are the lowest form of debate, in my opinion, and should be wholly avoided.
  20. clembo

    clembo A closed mind is no mind

    Probably been guilty of it a few times myself but I'm good with it.

    Rules are rules after all. I used to post about 8 times a day. Now I'm nowhere near that.

    The quality and integrity of subjects has dropped dramatically. Instead of responding I often just ignore. Also a reason I have gravitated to other sites. Go figure.

  21. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast


    Will you be changing your name to Carol as well.:p
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