Post a coin and tell us what happened in that year

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by micbraun, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. micbraun

    micbraun coindiccted


    1964: An American T39 Sabreliner was shot down in Erfurt (former East Germany) during a training flight. This was way before I was born but I understand it lead to further tensions between the competing superpowers in the Cold War.

    Now it's your turn. Show us a coin and tell us what happened in the year it was struck...
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  3. techwriter

    techwriter Well-Known Member

    The Compromise of 1877 which put Rutherford B Hayes into office as 19th President of the United States.
    Santinidollar and micbraun like this.
  4. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter


    October 31, 1935 - Orson Welles' famous "War Of The Worlds" broadcast airs for the first time, causing a mass panic throughout the United States.

    Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in New York City by William G. Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith. (I expect some pot shots on that one)

    Best Film........Mutiny on the Bounty.

    Italy invades Ethiopia.

    Nazi Germany revokes citizenship of all Jews.
    JPeace$, Santinidollar and micbraun like this.
  5. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Neato thread........:)
    Amos 811 and micbraun like this.
  6. Markus1959

    Markus1959 Well-Known Member

    1912 - Titanic went down!! Over 1500 dead!

    000_6533.jpg 000_6534.jpg
  7. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter


    The Korean War breaks out...

    Puerto Rican nationals in favor of independence attack Blair House (where President Truman is staying during White House renovations) and open fire on the U.S. House..

    The New York Yankees sweep the Philadelphia Phillies (known as the Whiz Kids) in four straight games in the World Series.
    Markus1959, JPeace$ and green18 like this.
  8. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter


    Jan 7, Battle of Manassas Junction, VA.

    Jan 10, Battle of Big Sandy River, KY (Middle Creek).

    Jan 10, Samuel Colt (47), inventor (6 shot revolver), died.

    Feb 1, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" was first published in "Atlantic Monthly" as an anonymous poem. The lyric was the work of Julia Ward Howe and was based on chapter 63 of the Old Testament’s Book of Isaiah. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" soon became the most popular Union marching song of the Civil War and is still being sung and to the tune of a song titled, "John Brown’s Body". Julia Ward Howe (b.1819-1908) was an influential social reformer and wife of fellow reformer and educator Samuel Gridley Howe. She was prominent in the anti-slavery movement, woman‘s suffrage, prison reform and the international peace movements. Julia Ward Howe was the first woman elected to the American Academy of Fine Arts and Letters in 1908. Ralph Waldo Emerson, said: "I honor the author of 'The Battle Hymn' ... she was born in the city of New York. I could well wish she were a native of Massachusetts. We have no such poetess in New England."

    Feb 6, Ulysses S. Grant began a military campaign in Mississippi. The Battle of Fort Henry, Tenn., began the Mississippi Valley campaign.

    Feb 13, Four-day Battle of Fort Donelson, Tenn., began. General Grant said, "What determined my attack on Donelson was as much the knowledge I had gained of its commanders in Mexico as anything else."

    Feb 16, During the Civil War, some 14,000 Confederate soldiers surrendered at Fort Donelson, Tenn. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s victory earned him the nickname "Unconditional Surrender Grant." Nathan Bedford Forrest escaped.

    Much more here.....
    Santinidollar likes this.
  9. Omegaraptor

    Omegaraptor Gobrecht/Longacre Enthusiast

    1841 half dime.JPG
    1841- William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States, serves his entire term. It lasted just one month due to his death from pneumonia.

    1865 two cent piece.JPG
    1865- Slavery is abolished in the United States! Yay!
    Also, on a bit of a worse note, this is the year Lincoln was murdered.
    Santinidollar likes this.
  10. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter


    March 03, 1837: US president Andrew Jackson & Congress recognizes Republic of Texas

    March 04, 1837: Martin Van Buren inaugurated as 8th president

    March 24, 1837: Canada gives blacks the right to vote

    May 31, 1837: Astor Hotel opens in NYC, it later becomes the Waldorf-Astoria

    June 17, 1837: Charles Goodyear obtains his 1st rubber patent

    June 20, 1837: Queen Victoria at 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King William IV. Ruled for 63 years ending in 1901

    July 27, 1837: US Mint opens in Charlotte, NC

    December 25, 1837: Battle of Okeechobee-US forces defeat Seminole Indians
    Markus1959, JPeace$ and micbraun like this.
  11. micbraun

    micbraun coindiccted


    1906: Nature strikes back at us:

    January: Ecuador-Colombia earthquake with 8.8 on the Richter scale

    March: San Francisco earthquake on the San Andreas Fault (est. magnitude of 7.8)


    August: 8.2 earthquake in Chile - 20000 dead

    September: Hong Kong Typhoon/Tsunami - 10000 casualties

    ... also interesting for us coin aficionados: Susan B Anthony died that year.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  12. JPeace$

    JPeace$ Coinaholic


    15 January – London haberdasher John Heterington wears the first top hat in public and attracts a large crowd of onlookers. He is later fined £50 for causing public nuisance.

    22 February – The last invasion of Britain begins: French forces under the command of American Colonel William Tate land near Fishguard in Wales.

    March 4 – John Adams is sworn in as the 2nd President of the United States of America

    GDJMSP is Born...couldn't resist....

  13. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Doug goes back way before before the parting of the Nile by Moses, Joe........he'll get us both in the morning. devil.gif
    JPeace$ likes this.
  14. UnCommonCents

    UnCommonCents Variety Collector

  15. Amos 811

    Amos 811 DisMember

    My name is Amos, im an Alcoholic.
    Rick Stachowski likes this.
  16. micbraun

    micbraun coindiccted

    When did you start drinking? We want to know the year... and post a coin. Cheers!
    Amos 811 likes this.
  17. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    There's the first shot........:)
    rickmp and Markus1959 like this.
  18. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    I was born.
    JPeace$ and Santinidollar like this.
  19. Amos 811

    Amos 811 DisMember

    From various sources, contact me if you really need to know where. Also, I only posted what interested myself during this crazy year, I left out many things:

    Santinidollar likes this.
  20. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    I'll drink to that. :>)
    Amos 811 likes this.
  21. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Jan 20, In the US Dwight D. Eisenhower was inaugurated as president. He succeeded Harry S. Truman. TV coverage sent the event to 21 million sets.

    Jan 17, GM introduced the first American sports car, the two-seater Corvette at the annual NYC Motorama Show at the Waldorf-Astoria. It was not made available for sale to the public until June 30th.
    JPeace$ likes this.
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