1776 continental dollar

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by David e Dennis, May 18, 2014.

  1. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

    coin continental.jpg continental coin reverse.jpg Not sure of the type or value any help? Had a hard time getting photos on here i hope you can view them.

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    Last edited: May 19, 2014
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  3. robec

    robec Junior Member

    Sorry I don't trust opening .zip files.
  4. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

    the file is safe i just didnt know how to get the photo out of the zip file
  5. Tom B

    Tom B TomB Everywhere Else

    I'm of a similar mind to robec on this one.
  6. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

    i loaded it a different way i hope this helps
  7. Numismania

    Numismania You hockey puck!!

    I'd NEVER open a 'zip' file, not anywhere. If it's a zip, it's not for me, no matter what it is, so thanks for supplying an image that does not need opening. Now, for the 'coin'...it's definitely not my series, but this just looks (not screams, but looks) 'fake' to me. Just doesn't look right. Looks like aluminum...but with the wear and black coloring on the 'chains', could it be a gilt copy?? I look forward to those that know the series chiming in with their thoughts.
  8. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

    I have no idea I do not own the coin, it is a family coin found many years ago by a family member out playing. they are asking me to see if i can find out whether it is real or fake or even the possible value
  9. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

    where can they go to get a professional look at it ? they are concerned about it getting stolen.
    Last edited: May 19, 2014
  10. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

    This coin was found in the state of New Hampshire.
  11. non_cents

    non_cents Well-Known Member

    Almost positive it is a fake.
  12. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

  13. non_cents

    non_cents Well-Known Member

    Look up an authentic piece and compare the details of the design. Also, these are incredibly rare and there are thousands upon thousands of counterfeits, so regardless of where it was found, the odds are against it being an authentic piece.
  14. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

    There were a lot of fakes made in the 1940s and early 1950s that continue to plague collectors long after the fact.
  15. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I agree with others here, sorry David. These coins especially have been faked for a very long time, so its not unusual at all for people to find them that have been in the family a long time. Unfortunately, many people then reefuse to believe us, think we are trying to rip them off somehow, (I never have figured that one out, how could someone on the internet who does not offer to buy your coin rip you off?), etc. Everyone remember the "Hong Kong" lady?

    Look up pics of real pieces, and pay attention to the lettering of the names of the states, and just overall crispness of design. Its not wear that caused that, its because your piece was a cast copy of the original. I would say there are 1000 fakes out there for every real Continental Dollar.
  16. xGAJx

    xGAJx Happy

    1000 fakes? That's pretty low I was thinking like 10,000
  17. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Six in one hand. No way of knowing. There ARE quite a few real pieces out there, its just very rare for them to show up randomly. There was a Massachusetts piece, though, that showed up in a family members belongings and posted here, so it can happen. That is why I read these posts, to help people out and occasionally have good news for them.
  18. Pcunix

    Pcunix Active Member

    There are fakes, but there are also restrikes from original dies. For example, here's mine. If I showed it to you outside of the slab, most would say "fake" - and it is, but it's not without value at all.

    Still, yeah, the coin pictured above does look like a fake.

    1776 Bashlow Restrike OBV.jpg 1776 Bashlow Restrike REV.jpg 1776 Bashlow Restrike REV.jpg
  19. David e Dennis

    David e Dennis One Penny lotta money

    thanks for all your comments, will let you know the results
  20. beef1020

    beef1020 Junior Member

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