[just for fun] "Totally looks like..." thread

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by TIF, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    Forvm? ... Penthouse Forvm?
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  3. AncientJoe

    AncientJoe Well-Known Member

    ForumAncientCoins - a website/shop/forum/information repository.
    stevex6 likes this.
  4. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    Thanks Joe => cool site!!

    ... but sadly, I don't think that they're quite ready for me ...
    maridvnvm likes this.
  5. zumbly

    zumbly Ha'ina 'ia mai ana ka puana

    Here's a companion piece. Syracuse Hemilitron reverse totally looks like Cthulhu...


    ... or an octopus.

    Aethelred, finny, robinjojo and 8 others like this.
  6. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    I gotta get a Lovecraftian type coin now XD
    TIF likes this.
  7. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

  8. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!



    oblongs character...

    vlaha, stevex6 and TIF like this.
  9. TIF

    TIF Always learning.

    Z-- that octopus with its crossed arms looks mighty familiar. Did you buy it recently? I think it was on my watch list within the last few weeks. Can't remember if I bid on it. If I did... wish I'd bid higher!

    chrsmat-- such a fertile imagination :)
  10. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

  11. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

  12. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    great thread TIF, and great posts everyone....had a good laugh!
    TIF likes this.
  13. zumbly

    zumbly Ha'ina 'ia mai ana ka puana

    Not my octopus, sadly. The pic is from a plate in an old publication I came across while looking for pictures of the type. I was looking after I saw one in an auction a few weeks back (maybe the same one you saw).
  14. maridvnvm

    maridvnvm Well-Known Member

    I am not sure the world is quite ready for you but that is just fine. It's just you and we accept you the way you are. (my attempt at humour)

    Forvm would look like an alien planet to you and you would look very alien to them. I think that communication might be difficult despite the common language. I am a long time Forvm member though much less active of late. Humour is not something that seems to go down well on Forvm and there have been several incidents where members have quit Forvm due to the stringent rules.

    I move across several boards though I find I am spending much less time on any board than I used to.

    Ardatirion and stevex6 like this.
  15. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Probus Rev 1.jpg Probus Rev 2.jpg BOZO.jpg

    Probus ====> Bozo
    robinjojo, Ryro, Multatuli and 11 others like this.
  16. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Trajan Decius Rev.jpg hitchhiker-girl.jpg

    Pareidolian Pannoniae
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
    finny, robinjojo, Ryro and 8 others like this.
  17. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

  18. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    I so love H.P. Lovecraft and one of my favorite stories (of course in the story it had 5 wings not 2, but then most artists concepts seldom match reality.
  19. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    This might be considered cheating for this thread :D
  20. AncientJoe

    AncientJoe Well-Known Member

  21. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    You guys have quite the imaginations. Now you're getting into it AJ. There's no turning back.
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