Ever been kicked off ebay for no good reason?

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by coins776, Mar 21, 2013.



Poll closed Apr 5, 2013.
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  2. NO


  1. coins776

    coins776 no title

    i had tried selling some coins on ebay a couple of years ago and i had sold most all of the coins that i had listed. then i had a problem with three of the coins that i had listed, the problem was with the photos of the coins. i had made the mistake of leaving the prices on the coin holders (the sellers that i had bought the coins from wrote their prices on the coin holders) that i had paid for the coins. the prices were visible in the photos of the coins. ebay pulled the listings for those three coins and sent me an email telling me that i could no longer list any items on ebay because of this. has anybody had similar problems with ebay?
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  3. coinguy-matthew

    coinguy-matthew Ike Crazy

    Sounds unusual that eBay would tell you that you cannot list items for sale because you had a price listed on the holder, i see this often. Im not doubting they pulled the listings but telling you they no longer want your business over it sounds far fetched. Have you tried to list items since the incident????
  4. coins776

    coins776 no title

    yes, i have tried listing items since then. every month i try to list items and i always get the same message from ebay telling me that i am not allowed to list anymore items. however, ebay is okay with me buying items.
  5. coinguy-matthew

    coinguy-matthew Ike Crazy

    Odd have you tried to contact them???
  6. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    Per eBay policy:

    No estimate of value (even if personal opinion) or reference to a price guide is included in the title or description.

    Apparently the price on the holder violates this rule. Before you list a raw coin, take it out of the 2x2 and take good, clear photos of both obverse and reverse, and make sure you read the entire policy:

  7. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    There are many EBAY Store Owners that list both coins and tokens with a price on the Third party grading company holders. The OP needs to get clarification from EBAY on this issue.
  8. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

    Was the price on the 2x2, the only information visible, or was there some indication of a grade also? A grade indication on a raw coin is also a no-no.
  9. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Good grief. If they are saying that is their policy, and that is the reason they are stopping him from selling, then they are being VERY selective in their enforcement. Heck, I have bought TONS of stuff on Ebay with dealer prices on the 2x2, in the pics as well.

    I don't mind though. Once I bought a book or world coins, and one of the flips had I think $650 listed on the holder. I pulled out KM, (chuckling to myself how overpriced or in error this was), but by god it was right. Actually the KM I used had it listed at $800. I paid I think about $110 for a folder with 8 pages full of mixed world coins, about 1/4 silver. I bought it for the silver coins.
  10. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50

    No, but I have had my PayPal account suspended for selling ammo. :devil:

    I expressly told the buyer to not say anything about ammo in the comments and the guy went and paid for it as "Auction Goods", "Gun Broker", and put "Rifle Ammunition" in the description.

    Meh - I apologized and promised to follow their terms and conditions in the future and they reinstated my account. But one more infraction and I'm on the lifetime ban list with Detecto.
  11. brg5658

    brg5658 Supporter! Supporter

    eBay doesn't restrict stickers or listings of values for SLABBED coins, that restriction is only listed in the "Raw Coins" section of the eBay policy. Read the information at the link that jloring posted!!
  12. jloring

    jloring Senior Citizen

    Here's the thing... I could put a '64 Kennedy half in a 2x2 and write $44.00 on it; I list it on eBay for $32.00. Then (to reference another current thread), a little old lady, new to eBay and silver investing, sees the price on the 2x2 and thinks that must be the price of a Kennedy half and that she's getting a bargain at $32.00. A little far fetched, but I can see eBay's reasoning.
  13. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50

    I do too, and it's their house, their rules, and I can live with that.

    On the other hand, they're getting to the point where they have sooooo many rules, it's hard to know when you're breaking them.
  14. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Putting a NUMERIC grade or estimated price in the title or description for a non-certified coin is definitely against eBay's rules. However, there is not rule against putting either the grade or price in the picture. Here is eBay's policy.
  15. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna


    This infraction (if an infraction) seems very minor compared to other issues regularly overlooked; could it be that we are not getting the whole story here? Also, for the life of me I cannot understand why someone trying to make a profit would use a photo of a flip with the price they actually paid on it. Overlooking such obvious mistakes might have something to do with the losing money on every coin problem.
  16. coins776

    coins776 no title

    i am honest when selling coins, i would think that collectors would like that.
  17. coins776

    coins776 no title

    what do any of you think about all of those sellers on ebay who self slab their coins and put false high grades on them? i have seen this on ebay a lot and they just keep letting those crooks sell and sell and sell. i guess the rules of ebay depend on how much money those sellers can make for them. meaning, small sellers equal strict rules and big sellers equal very few rules.
  18. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Sorry, but you are wrong. I have had lots of fun getting abon.com's listings removed. On the other hand, the "big sellers" do take the effort to learn the rules and how to work them.
  19. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    Nope...but I was kicked off Coin Talk for a while...for no good reason (from my pov). :rolleyes:
  20. dannic113

    dannic113 Member

    Eh ebay and their policies and enforcement all correlate to how much California smog they huff on any given day. Don't use them much anymore and I've never been kicked off but did lay into them and almost made the one girl almost cry when they pulled some lame excuse for pulling my listings. All that came out of it is they said they didn't like being sworn at and threatened to make me take a seller class and then they didn't even do that and allowed me to relist after I gave them 2 pages of their precious "power sellers" that violated the exact same supposed policy and have never heard a peep from them since. Bottom line is if you are a buyer you are treated differently than everyone else, if you are a power seller bringing in lots of final fees to their pockets you are treated differently than everybody else and if you buy lots of their overpriced "extras" like subtitles, extended selling periods, pay for BIN's etc. you are treated differently than everybody else. It all just depends.
  21. coins776

    coins776 no title

    yeah, the big sellers do know how to work around ebay rules, which is not a good thing for the buyers.
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