Post Your Mercury Dimes!!!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Cazkaboom, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. dimeguy

    dimeguy Dime Enthusiast

    Still say the midgrades are a fun challenge:

    Please excuse the crappy obverse image as a result of a quick pic.

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  3. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    that is a coin with true character.
  4. goincarcrazy

    goincarcrazy Spends His Money On Money

    After reading the thread about forgotten coins, I went through some I hadn't been through in a while and rediscovered this one Merc.


    geekpryde and torontokuba like this.
  5. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    May not be a perfect coin, but it sure is pretty. Great photo as well!
  6. Cazkaboom

    Cazkaboom One for all, all for me.

    So yesterday, the coin club president showed me his complete Mercury Dime set in an album. And he said he had been collecting them for 20+ years. And it showed, the coins in the album were either very nice blast white high grades (save the AG-3 '16-D) or beautifully toned from the album. I sure wish I had some of those toned ones...
  7. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    Here is an update to post #227. Coin arrived today. here are 4 quick pictures, taken without tripod or good lighting, but they show the coin well enough. I am used to kennedy halves, so this mercury dime looks TINY!

    Also, even though it's MS67, i would not say it's dripping with luster. (I have seen some others that look radiant). I think toning looks okay, but it's not as "wow" as I hoped. I think it was a decent buy, but I am not sure that i will be starting a date set or anything. :eek: No offense to you dime collectors. I just need something bigger. :D

    1944-p ms67 rev close.jpg 1944-p ms67 obv close.jpg

    1944-p ms67 rev.jpg 1944-p ms67 obv.jpg
    torontokuba likes this.
  8. zekeguzz

    zekeguzz lmc freak

    I'm not sure I posted these. I call these 'My Black Beauties". On the 1943 reverse bottom what will take care of the green stuff(PVC?) without injuring the blackness of it?
    Thanks ---- zeke.

    Attached Files:

  9. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Sound ODD to me lost 1 day by USPS. then found by USPS 4-5 days later??
  10. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    They gave it to my neighbor and not me.
  11. Stewart

    Stewart Searcher of the Unique


    I think 100% Pure Acetone might do the trick.
    Available at Walmart,Meijer or local drug stores
    in large bottles for just a few bucks.

    Please to some testing on something first
    and do some research on it. Before putting it on your coins.
    I have never had it change the appearance on any Silver coin with PVC Contamination,
    I have never tried it on copper.
    It just released the PVC from the coin.
    I hope this helps.

    Nice Black Beauty's:thumb: Lot's of character, I like that in a coin

  12. zekeguzz

    zekeguzz lmc freak

    Stewart--- Thank you. I tried acetone on a 1934-D soaking about 10 hours. No problems encountered. Soaked the 1943
    merc with pvc for about 12-15 hours. Seems to have worked like a champ. No picture yet, soon though. Wanted to get off a big THANK YOU for your advice and support.
    That's CT at it's best.
  13. areich

    areich America*s Darling

    too bad your neighbor and you aren't friendly.
  14. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    Totally off-topic, absolutely incorrect, and a petty comment to boot.
  15. areich

    areich America*s Darling

    Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that getting private messages from you, and your stalking of me on the board, throwing around false innuendo, and being a general bore was the kind of interaction you enjoyed and so I decided to participate.

    I'm sorry for my miss understanding. Feel free to send me another love note through the Private Message system again. I was just assuming that your neighbor felt the same way about you as many people here based on similar behaviors.

    I also considered that the delivery person may have intentionally did this to you, but that isn't possible. Right?

  16. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Enough already ! Both of you - stop it ! And I mean stop it period, not just in this one thread.
    torontokuba likes this.
  17. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    I'm not going to continue to derail an otherwise great thread. If you want to continue this conversation, PM me. Oh wait, you can't, I put you on my ignore list.

    Here's a new purchase to get this thread back on track.

    geekpryde and torontokuba like this.
  18. areich

    areich America*s Darling

    A) You (and I) were requested, if not ordered to stop.

    B) Your ignore seems to not be working so well since you still read my messages and follow them around the board. I would recommend that you use it and stick to it.
  19. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    OK, you 2 want to act like children I'll treat you like children. One more word - and the offender will have time out !
    torontokuba likes this.
  20. dimeguy

    dimeguy Dime Enthusiast

    So much tension can only be resolved with more Mercs. First one is in my album. Second one an impulse buy because of the funky mint mark:


    torontokuba likes this.
  21. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    my 2c

    :eek:ff-topic:I don't know why or care to know why 1 would belittle anyone on this pg !
    but I know I have Not Done that!
    I am glad Doug step in and stopped the 1 who was doing that!

    Cointalk is not the place for attacking fellow CT's

    Grow up or Go some were that allows that!

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