My Shop Got Burglarized

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by LostDutchman, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Yeah! Let's hope he's just some addict. He'll have to sell it to get a fix. Like Doug said, don't forget the pawn shops.

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  3. Dr Kegg

    Dr Kegg Star Note Fanatic

    Sorry to hear about the theft and glad no one got hurt. I've heard about an uptick in coin shop/show robberies in the past year.
  4. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I am sorry to hear about it as well LD. I am sure all of us are keeping an eye out for you. I am sad to say I think these will continue for quite a while with the economy the way it is, and more of the general public aware of PM pricing.

  5. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

  6. coleguy

    coleguy Coin Collector

    Sorry to hear this, Matt. I'll inform my friend's shop in Vegas which will spread the word there. Who knows, he may have been looking for gambling money.
  7. USS656

    USS656 Here to Learn Supporter

    Just happy it was after hours. But sorry it happened at all!
  8. Daniel M. Ryan

    Daniel M. Ryan New Member

    Sorry to hear it, although you and your associates (family?) not getting hurt is a definite silver lining. It's become close to standard policy for jewelry stores to leave the door locked. You have to ring the doorbell to get let in. Coin stores may have to follow suit, sad to say. If they do, the jewelry stores have already softened people up to accept it - but doing so would take away the neighbourliness.

    Over in the more right-wing sections of the Internet, you might have gotten this response: "I'm also sorry the burglar didn't get hurt."
  9. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    In addition to what others have suggested, you might want to scour your local The crook(s) may try to sell those quickly, that would be the place to try to.
  10. Daniel M. Ryan

    Daniel M. Ryan New Member

    Unfortunately, "insurance" is one of the pretexts theives use to justify their thieving. They con themselves into believing they're "really" stealing from the insurance company.

    So, if you don't mind, let me add this hope: if insurance covers it, I hope his premiums don't go up that much.
  11. Daniel M. Ryan

    Daniel M. Ryan New Member

    Good for you for branding them. The more distinct the item is, the easier it is to trace.
  12. petro89

    petro89 Member

    Sheesh...sorry to hear about this. I'm glad you're OK though and that nobody was hurt.
  13. Owle

    Owle Junior Member

    Time for "Death Wish 6"? Paging Mr. Kearsey...
  14. ahearn

    ahearn Member

    These idiots probably think the pocket watches are worth more than the coins. Make sure you mention the watches when you contact your local pawn shops.
  15. wornslick

    wornslick Junior Member

    Sorry to hear about the break in Matt. I will join the others and keep my eyes open.
  16. andyluw12

    andyluw12 New Member

    Wow, I'm very sorry to hear that but I'm also relieved to hear that it occurred when nobody was around to get hurt. It sounds to me like another story of a drug addict looking to get fast cash and the odds of those Morgans turning up may depend on how desperate and stupid he is. I will be praying he's extremely in need of a fix and trys to pawn them or sell at a "we buy silver" place (don't forget to alert those stores) immediately. Just in case he's a hair smarter than that, I will be on the lookout my way-near the NY/PA/OH border.

    Ya never know, maybe he was a coin collector in his life before turning scumbag and he just really admired those beautiful

    Hope they turn up soon and he gets busted asap. Stay safe, and please get video up if you don't already have it! As others have stated they make a pretty good deterrent as well as aiding in catching the jerks. I hope your day ends better than it started, and the guy is in cuffs and Morgans back safely in your hands.
  17. Siwash

    Siwash Senior Member

    OP: you're right: that's such a distinctive set that he would be a fool to list it on ebay. But given the internet, he's likely to figure it's worth, perhaps sell separate pieces of it. I hope you had sufficient insurance. That IS one pretty set.
  18. wiggam007

    wiggam007 Cut-Rate Parasite

    Sorry to hear that Matt.

    Just glad it was after hours and not too damaging (except to your window.)
  19. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    That's messed up! Keep your eyes out on craigslist and the flea market too. Desperate criminals need to be dealt with harshly, especially people that steal stuff like coins or other collectibles. Unfortunately for the bad guys this dealer here in Sacramento met them with deadly force. Hope you get your stuff back Matt! I'm on the bay quite a bit and I'll keep my eyes peeled, not a problem. :yes:
  20. LostDutchman

    LostDutchman Under Staffed & Overly Motivated Supporter

    I spent 2 hours between 2am and 4am this morning compiling a list of places that the items could be potentially sold to. I spent another 2 hours calling and EMailing them after businesses opened.
  21. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    The antique mall I sell out of got hit last month, the shop lost about $5,000 and I lost about a grand. I called a big buyer in the area an hour after the hit and the guy was in there selling the coins & jewelry. So, we got some of the stuff back and a copy of the guy’s driver’s license, but he got away. In this bad economy, if we get hit again, I’m thinking about moving exclusively to the internet.

    Wish you luck in your recovery.
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