1970 s small date

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by Jesse P, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

    hey guys,i got this 1970 ( i believe )is a small date 1970 s penny.i did a little research and the L in liberty is clearly stamped but the rest of the letters are stamped less and in trust ust is not really clear.also the 9 in the date is hook shaped and rounded.its not square like the other 1970 s on the inside.also the 7 is lower than the rest of the date with a straight edge it is very obvious my pic is not the best but you can see at least the details i discribed.let me know what you think? GetAttachment.jpg
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  3. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

  4. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

    hey thanks!i just ran and looked at it again the bottom of the 7 is the same as the 1 and the 0 the 9 is way longer the top of the 7 is just under the 0 like a mm thick and the 7 looks smooth with no breaks in it at all i will try to take a better pic so you can see in about 2 min
  5. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

    o man!the nine is exactly like the one in the photo you shown me!!!!!it has a sharp hook the comes toward the 7!!i looked 4 times my other 1970 stops and is flat or squared off i will post the pic asap one moment
  6. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

  7. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    I am sorry, but your picture is just too fuzzy for me to make anything out. However, do not look at the 7 relative to the bottom of the 9. The small date should be even (almost anyway) with the bottom of the 1 and 0.
  8. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    How about some bigger pics
  9. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

    ok i will try to take some bigger pics if i take a straight edge and hold it on top of the numbers they are all even.the seven is not lower than the rest,howeverthe 9 does have the sharp edge and more curved back almost touching the 9 onthe othe side.i will post a pic in a min
  10. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

  11. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Sorry again, but this one is both smaller and more out of focus.
  12. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

  13. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

  14. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

    when i click on the image it enlarges to the whole screen does that work if you guys click on the image?
  15. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye


    Attached Files:

  16. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Yes, mine enlarges, but not to the whole screen. That depends on the monitor you have. I can then enlarge it to take the whole screen, but it is so out of focus that I have no idea where the 9 inside loop ends. I think that the 7 has a long tail, but I am not sure. And there is no way I am making out a notch in the 7 or that there is no notch.
  17. Jesse P

    Jesse P eagle eye

    ok i will use a better camera tomorrow.early tomorrow i will post good pics.with my 10x mag lens there is surley no notch in the 7 and the 9 defenitly has the sharp hook.but with those fuzzy pics you wount be able to tell.i will take a pic with a straight edge tomorrow also to show they all are the same height on top.thanks for your time though i got to hit the sack lol i will be back on here 9 am ep time thanks again
  18. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    That last picture is in much better focus, but I cannot make anything out in the LIBERTY, can't tell about the 9, and still don't know about the notch in the 7. Guessing it is not there. Best I can tell, the 7 is even with the top and bottom of the 1 and 0. It is probably a small date.
  19. jallengomez

    jallengomez Cessna 152 Jockey

  20. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    It appears that the inside end of the nine loop points to the bottom of the 7 , making it a Large Date and not to the middle of the 7, which would be a small date. I agree with RockDude.

  21. ozarktravler

    ozarktravler Senior Member

    the 7 should be high, the 9 should have long loop, need close up photo to be sure?
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