To post a photo: MAKE SURE YOU PHOTO IS A--bmp, doc, gif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, psd, txt, zip. You photos can be: 250KB bytes (Zip files can only be 54.7KB) 1)click on the "post reply" button, 2)Scroll down past the text box and find the box entitled "Additional Features", 3)Inside the "Additional Features" box click the button that says "Manage Attachments", 4)In the box that pops up click "Browse", 5)Find your photo on your computer and click on the "open" button, 6)Click on the "upload" button and hope your file is not too large, 7)If the file size is ok then your file will show up in the bottom of the box as a "current attacnment", 8)Click the "close this window" button, 9)Finally click on the submit reply button (DO NOT preview your post as that will delete the attachment). Ten images per post
, Is There Some One I Can E-mail My Coin Pics To .it Seems My Dig-cam Is Too Big To Upload. I Would Appreciate It. Noble Payne
You can upload your pics to photobucket which i think resizes the picture automatically to a decent size. Makes life fairly easy when it comes to posting pics on the web. is free by the way
be aware when you use photobucket that 1) you lose all rights to the image and it becomes the property of photobucket (you agree to this in their terms of service agreement), and 2) all photobucket images are available for anyone to view by clicking on the "recent" button in the upper right corner of the Photobucket home page and then scrolling through the list. This could be a serious privacy issue.
Save the scan with an appropriate extension (.jpg, .bmp, etc.), and handle it the same way as any other picture file.
I would hate to see the adjective you use to describe me. I started using a computer in 1965 and the internet in 1985 (?) such as it was.
Gosh rlm , in '65 wasn't that computer the size of a house , oh wait I was thinking of the one they called Brainiac at the University of Chicago , you could of used that one too:bigeyes::hail:JK. Rusty:hatch::hammer:
1974 error penny? I could barely see liberty until I took the picture. I have never seen one like this...anyone? And hi to ya'll. I just joined the group today. I still have to fill out my profile. I started collecting last year, and I especially have a thing for pennies. Thanks for any input Michelleencil:
all my photos are much larger than 250 KB most are 11 or 12 MB anyway to down size them.I will try again
If you using a hosting site like Photobucket, as explained in the first post of this thread, there is no need to shrink them down.
Hi, What is the best way to take digital pictures of coins? I tried taking pics of silver bars on a black background but the silver was too shiny and the flash showed up on the pic.