Confederat money (Fake?)

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by texmech, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. texmech

    texmech Wanna be coin collector

    I have had these and bunch of others since I was a kid. Pretty sure they are fake. I have some real ones that are normal currency paper, but this stuff has a waxy feel to it, not like a normal bill. I take it these are fake?

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  3. Daggarjon

    Daggarjon Supporter**

    not sure about the waxy feel .. makes me think they are fake too.....
  4. texmech

    texmech Wanna be coin collector

    It's more of a hard feeling to the paper. Almost like the paper was coated in a light wax. Let me ask a question. Are there any old bills like this that have that kind of texture?
  5. lettow

    lettow Senior Member

    These are all reproductions. You can tell by the stiff, parchment-like paper.
  6. clembo

    clembo A closed mind is no mind

    I second the motion as we get these brought in at work and get phone calls about them as well. I always comppare them to parchment paper.

    The real stuff is closer to tissue paper.
  7. texmech

    texmech Wanna be coin collector

    No surprise. That's what I expected.
  8. chip

    chip Novice collector

    Another diagnostic on confederate paper that I have often heard was that the signatures on the real notes were done with an ink that bled thru the paper, I know this because my father had bundles of repliconfederate notes and did some research. My brothers wife took them and frames them and sells them at flea markets and swap shows. They also have websites that note often copied serial numbers of these notes.
  9. LSM

    LSM Collector

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