Mini coin set.

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by jessash1976, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. jessash1976

    jessash1976 Coin knowledgeable

    What's up peeps? I go this set in a small plastic bag stapled with old rusty staples. They are pretty nice versions of the originals, does anyone know where they they came from or what they are worth? I have two sets of pics

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  3. jessash1976

    jessash1976 Coin knowledgeable

    heres the rest....

    any one seen these before?

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  4. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    CHINA>>>>>>>>>>>> I would they always do! Paddy
  5. TheNoost

    TheNoost huldufolk

    Worth a $2 or $3 at coin shows. I had to have one, but it is the newer designs.
  6. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    Not this time.

    A guy by the name of Bert Hickman makes these by shrinking genuine coins.
  7. jessash1976

    jessash1976 Coin knowledgeable

    So, you think this guy made these?
  8. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    :confused: My money shrinks all by its self... no need to fry it in some fancy machine ....gee nail two things together than no one has nailed together before and a someone will buy it......lets see what can I nail? :eek:dd:
  9. krispy

    krispy krispy

    can this blasting process somehow be reversed on bullion? please! how about on the economy? LOL!
  10. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    He's the most likely candidate, although there are a few other people with the equipment and expertise to do the job.
  11. TheNoost

    TheNoost huldufolk

    I think they are pulling your leg Jessie
  12. jessash1976

    jessash1976 Coin knowledgeable

    Yes, I think some of these guy's brains have shrunk as well.
  13. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

    Lol... Hey thats funny stuff. The Amazing Shrinking Coins. Oh about $1 for the silver or copper ones maybe $5 for the itty bitty gold ones. Traci
  14. fisher2

    fisher2 Member

    itd be so cool if the gov made it useable as legal tender lol
  15. coinbuff

    coinbuff Senior Member

    Hey! It is true!

    Actually, although these are not examples of his work, it is true that Hickman does shrink real coins. He uses high voltage coils to do it.
    I have a Kennedy half and Sac dollar that he shrunk. It is amazing - the coins shrink, but the details remain. The coins do get thicker, though.
    Pretty neat and great conversation pieces!
    Check it out:
  16. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

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