because of you guys

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by snaz, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

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  3. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    its a vdb thats y its expensive vut i wouldnt have paid that much for it
  4. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    yah but whats a vdb?
  5. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    I don't mean to rain on your parade....

    Frankly, the only good thing about this auction is the return policy.

    This coin is commonly counterfeited, the coin is expensive and raw, and the reverse looks to have corrosion issues. This is an auction and a coin (and a seller) I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.

    Respectfully submitted...Mike
  6. laskandino

    laskandino Member

    VDB are the designer's initials (Victor D. Brenner, I think). They appear on the reverse of the coin near the rim at the bottom.
  7. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    oic, and there were only a few minted? do they still have s and d or would it be only on the D or only on the S mint?
  8. laskandino

    laskandino Member

    In 1909 there were only "plain" and S. They appear on both. VDB is the smaller mintage of both, but the S mint is the smallest mintage and most valuable. Also as mentioned above often counterfeited. Someone apparently thought the initials were too prominent and were removed. They were restored in 1918 much smaller on the obverse at the bottom of Lincolns portrait.
  9. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    thank you that is exactly what i was looking for thank you:high5:
  10. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

  11. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

  12. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    That price seems within reason for a f-12 example, which the rough photos at least show that it is . However I wouldn't touch it because I can't clearly see the S, and I can't really tell if the vdb is there on the rev in the photos
  13. SapperNurse

    SapperNurse DOD enhanced

    I had bought several AU/BU morgans and peace dollars form this seller and never had a problem. The pics listed in this auction are, by far, lousy, but it takes is a short email to request additional pics.......ecspecially if you let the seller know where something is you are looking for.

    826 is still way too pretty of a price for me. I'll be ready to finish my Lincoln set come 2010 I hope lol
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