Ancient Roman Coins

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by twilly, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. twilly

    twilly New Member

    Can someone help me with the value of these coins. I have a total of 11 ancient roman coins. They are from 200's AD I think. on ebay I have seen these type of coins sell for just a few dollars or some for a few thousand dollars.

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  3. Eps

    Eps Coin hoarder/ lover

    He may be philip 1
  4. Eps

    Eps Coin hoarder/ lover

    (on the first one)
  5. froggycoins

    froggycoins Member

    i would have said claudius or quintillus for the first one ( based on the portrait )
  6. froggycoins

    froggycoins Member

    definitely Quintilllus ( from the portrait and the legend )
    3rd Century AD Antoninianus

    Maybe Laetitia on the reverse

    Quintillus is a scarce Emperor who has ruled only for a few months, just after Claudius II Gothicus his brother

    Value (IMO): ca $5-$7
  7. froggycoins

    froggycoins Member

    :welcome: to CT Twilly

    Could you post the pics for the others ?
  8. twilly

    twilly New Member

    Thanks for the help. Here are the rest of the coins. They are in poor condition so they will be hard to tell what they are with just a pic. DSC01718.jpg DSC01719.jpg DSC01725.jpg
  9. froggycoins

    froggycoins Member

    Thanks for posting them !
    They are more than 1600 years old so we can't blame them for their condition :)

    Maybe you could try to soak them in Distilled Water for a while, changing water every day and you could see some improvements on the coins !
    Ask also the Ancients Experts here ! they should detect the thread anyway :)
  10. twilly

    twilly New Member

    Thanks for the help! I will try that :smile
  11. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Yes, yes we can.

    Seriously, I say that just to let the OP know ancient collectors are if anything more harsh in grading than modern collectors are. These coins do exist is superb condition.

    Listen, I have a ton of lower grade Roman myself. I am not disparaging the coins, but simply telling you that you have 11 very low grade what appears to be 3rd century Romans. Value would be around $5 max each if you can identify the emperor. As a group lot on Ebay i don't know if they would bring $10. But, who cares, right? Enjoy them know ing you own authentic relics of the Roman empire, and use them as a learning tool to learn how to identify Roman coins.
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