Guess the grade #410

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by rlm's cents, Aug 8, 2012.


1937-S PCGS Grade?

Poll closed Aug 15, 2012.
  1. Genuine/details

    0 vote(s)
  2. 62

    0 vote(s)
  3. 63

  4. 64

  5. 65

  6. 66

  7. 67

    0 vote(s)
  8. 68

    0 vote(s)
  1. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    1937-S PCGS slabbed

    NOTE: If you don't vote in the poll, your vote will not be counted.

    1937-S PCGS O.JPG 1937-S PCGS R.JPG
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  3. JCB1983

    JCB1983 Learning

  4. ddoomm1

    ddoomm1 keep on running

  5. bahabully

    bahabully Junior Member

    me no likely the dings on face and in field on reverse... 64+1
  6. jcakcoin

    jcakcoin New Member

    Lower-end 66
  7. ReaperRuler

    ReaperRuler Resident Numismatist

  8. miedbe7

    miedbe7 Wayward Collector

  9. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

  10. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    This and will be ending tomorrow night.

    I will be occupied 16th though the 26th. Not sure when I will get to post a new round, but it will not be until the 22nd (unlikely) at the earliest.
  11. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    I'm thinking MS-66 , but with the reverse hits and the hit on his face coupled with PCGS 65 . Time to flip a coin . lol
  12. texmech

    texmech Wanna be coin collector

  13. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Real nice luster, solid strike and just a couple nicks. There are a couple too many nicks so PCGS only called it a 66. I think it is a solid 66.

    1937-S PCGS 66 SL.JPG
  14. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Irish finally missed one. His score absolutely ballooned up to .095 (I am being sarcastic in case you missed that). In actuality, his lead increased.

    Top 10. Columns are rank, name, average, and number of guesses.
    1. Irish2Ice 0.095 44
    2. bahabully 0.378 39
    3. ldhair 0.387 33
    4. Leadfoot 0.419 33
    5. BadThad 0.444 47
    6. jcakcoin 0.467 47
    7. rzage 0.475 42
    8. mark_h 0.477 46
    9. Lincoln Cents 0.533 32
    10. Shoewrecky 0.560 26
  15. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    Got the hard one right and the easier one wrong , still I'm happy , but dang should have gone with my 1st impression a 66 . Gotta quit going so conservative on these PCGS coins .
  16. ddoomm1

    ddoomm1 keep on running

    Grrrrrr, out of top 10..gotta step my game up :]
  17. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    You only missed one by one , you must of dropped a good round , I'm sure you'll be back in no time dd .
  18. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Actually, no. He was absent 50 rounds ago and the next about 20. His problem is that he still only has one score dropped until he has 31 rounds. i.e. next round
  19. ddoomm1

    ddoomm1 keep on running

    yeah, that's it. There was a time when for some reason I could log onto cointalk but not post anything or even vote on polls which lasted a couple months and then it came back like a month or two ago :/
  20. miedbe7

    miedbe7 Wayward Collector

    FINALLY!! I got one right, or maybe this might be my second ... lol I'm bad at this :yes:
  21. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    I'm sure you'll get better , the trick is not what you'd give the coin but what the tpgs will , also read rlms review of the grade at the end of the contest that always helped me .
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