Melted PCGS Slab - Would PCGS Reholder @ Standard Fee?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by iGradeMS70, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. iGradeMS70

    iGradeMS70 AKA BustHalfBrian

    Late-night eBay browsing led me to discovering this -

    I thought it was trick photography at first glance! :p

    Not a serious question, but just out of pure curiosity - Do you think PCGS would reholder this coin at the $10 standard fee? I mean, seriously, how would they even get the darn thing open? The device they use to un-sonically seal their holders would be no match, right?

    Just an interesting topic to discuss - Has anyone ever had PCGS slabs damaged in a fire? If so, did you manage to get any that didn't suffer damage reholdered?

    WTCASE1.jpg WTCASE2.jpg
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  3. krispy

    krispy krispy

  4. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    missin bar code on back
  5. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

    A ground zero coin in a melted ironic.
  6. robec

    robec Junior Member

    I had a slab return home after a 6 month photo contest with a partial meldown at the gasket.

    It was reholdered at the normal $10 fee.

  7. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

    Bummer Bob. It looks like you didn't do it soon enough and some air got in there and toned that cent!
  8. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    I like toned cents
  9. robec

    robec Junior Member

    I was so PO'd!! I miss that Red cent.

    It turned into this

    Rassi likes this.
  10. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

    Ugh. I would be very upset and fire off a strong worded letter to the people in charge.
    Oh well, I guess you will have to live with it. Let those colors be a reminder to you.
  11. LindeDad

    LindeDad His Walker.

    They use a band saw and why bother it's not a graded coin anyway.
  12. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    They may or may not reholder it because it was not a PCGS product, it was a Collectors Universe product using PCGS shells.
    dwhiz likes this.
  13. pumpkinpie

    pumpkinpie what is this I don*t even

    it looks very nice with the colors, though.
    Insider likes this.
  14. Scottp123

    Scottp123 New Member

    ill buy it from you.
    Insider likes this.
  15. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Those slabs didn't have bar codes.
    Insider likes this.
  16. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    Wow this was a long time ago I seen this post.,hey what ever happened
  17. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    What was the new reholdered numbet
  18. Cascade

    Cascade CAC Grader, Founding Member

    The dead are walking!
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