Recent Pickups at the R.A.C.E this past Sunday

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by BUncirculated, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

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  3. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

  4. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    Pretty clean '43! Nice!
  5. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

  6. mike55

    mike55 New Member

    exceptional 43's! I don't mean to ask a stupid question, but what exactly is the R.A.C.E?
  7. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    Rochester Area Coin Expo ;)

    Not a stupid question at all :thumb:
  8. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

    Greg likes the quarter a lot!
  9. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    So do I :thumb:
  10. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    Great finds...I love the quarter! I can't quite tell with the photos, but is it a proof?
  11. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    Yes it is.

    Not a bad price either, $13.

    The others were a total of $20.

    Only issue is the reverse on the 43D with the fingerprint, other than that all three steelies have a strong strike and great eye appeal. Dealer thinks they're all 65.
  12. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    Not too bad at all. I couldn't tell if it was a proof because the photos are a little fuzzy around the rim (I think because of the magnification). But, I could see the proof die characteristics on the reverse so I was trying to determine Proof vs. Type B quarter.
  13. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    Not the greatest photographer and it took me 30 different shots before settling on those ones as the best.

    Wasn't really looking for quarters this time, my main quest was a 57D Franklin, 64 or better. The dealer I bought these from had 2 that were nice, but I decided to feel out the other dealers before buying one of those. By the time I got back around, about 10 minutes later, they were gone. So I looked through his Washington and Lincoln binders and found those 4, nice price, so I bought them.
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