1880 O Morgan Silver Dollar

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by pairunoyd, May 30, 2012.

  1. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    Man, that coin appeared to have lots of potential to me. grrr :)
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  3. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    The plus means it has better than just a 64 grade, but not quite enough for a 65, so it would fall in between.

    And yes, strike quality has a part in the grading process from TPG graders.

    Take a look at Morgans that have such a strong strike, the TPGs have designated them as either PL(Proof Like) or DMPL(Deep Mirror Proof Like).
  4. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    If it makes you feel any better, if the grade were Choice AU, you have a $35-$40 coin :thumb:
  5. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    well, the 2nd one isnt mine. I was looking at some possible purchases. I was thinking that 2nd morgan might be worth a good bit but then after I posted it I noticed the feathers looked worn.
  6. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

  7. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    As well as the high points of the hair on Lady Liberty.

    If Morgans are your candy, might I suggest this for you:


    This is by far, the best book on Morgan dollars and has a great history of the series as well as the branch Mints that struck Morgans.

    Mr. Bowers is a highly respected numismatist and did some great research for his book. This is one of several books in Whitman's Red Book series, which he has written.
  8. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    Jello, what VAM are you thinking for this one?
  9. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    Youre referring to the coin in my opening post? If so, why do you think that might be its grade?
  10. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    If I could have in hand I could tell you more. but just by the photo it looks like a Vam#13???
    If you could post a closeup of the Obv+ Rev date mint mark eye etc, I may see a better one.

    Attached Files:

  11. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

  12. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    hey jello, its supposed to be here today or tomorrow. If what you say is the case, is that typically noted by the slabbing company and is it of additional $ value?
  13. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    I know the quality doesnt get sharper, but would holding ctrl and pressing the '+' sign several times help? :)
  14. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    The TPGs will consider a VAM if you request it, and I think they charge a fee for that too, I'm not 100% sure as I don't submit coins for grading and slabbing.

    Any VAM premium would depend on how common the VAM is, but typically VAMs do add a premium to the coin's value.
  15. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    It helps to see that the first coin you posted does appear to have a small O mint mark, but the image clarity is not sharp enough to see if there is doubling in the 80 of the date, which is VAM 13.

    However, the first one might possibly be a VAM 8, which is a high small o mint mark:


  16. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    does the Vam numbering system have any significance as far as its rarity, etc?
  17. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about that. I would think it's more for organizational purposes for each date and mint, but I could be wrong about that.
  18. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    I dont have a camera, so I cant take pics of the 1880 O. Ive been buying bullion. If the price keeps going up Im going to stop or slow down and then send in a few coins for grading. I just bought another coin from the same seller that I got the Morgan for $14.50. Obviously, 14.50 was some kind of error.

    I got a 1880 S for $65. I know its common and that it can be risky buying ungraded coins off the net, but this coin, according to the pics, is just absolutely beautiful! It might have a problem that I'm not seeing, but it sure looks good!

    1880 s obverse.jpg 1880 s reverse.jpg
  19. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    The 1880-S looks like a nice MS Morgan. The 1880-S is considered to be the best struck coin the series and is readily available in MS. It's a nice coin.

    Now, I missed this thread when you originally posted it. I believe the 1880-O is AU. I see high spot rubs on both sides...which is evident due to the color change in those areas. It is a slightly darker grey. It is a common misconception that all New Orleans minted Morgans have poor strikes and as a result, people buy AU coins as MS frequently. The 1880-O is actually considered a pretty well struck year.
  20. pairunoyd

    pairunoyd Junior Member

    do you think the 1880-s is uncirculated? Do you see any issues?

    I guess i wont send in the 1880-o for grading. Id want to be sure it was smart financially.
  21. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    I don't see any wear on the 1880-S, just some bag marks. I would say its probably MS63 or so. I would not send it for grading though. These are super common in this grade and $65 is a fair price. Investing anymore into it would be a loss IMHO.
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