I little quiz to test your common sense

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by irisheyes, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. ziggy9


    has to be true! I read it on the NET!!!
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  3. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    normally I would take their advice ..but there is no information about the coin we are discussing

    and they are going by the simple fact that it is a cast coin ...and they are wrong ..simple as that

    i dont know all the answers but neither do the most knowledgable coin experts in the world

    however one of the most knowledgable men in the US is intriged and interested
    in exploring my theory .

    and the rude remarks are made by those who think they know it all ....because they dont know what they are talking about ....

    Doe sanyone know the definition of IGNORANT
  4. fishwhacker

    fishwhacker Member

    Hes just jealous of our bridge copperbridge.jpg
  5. ziggy9


    you continue to ignore my posts
  6. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

  7. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

  8. ow9654

    ow9654 Irish,British collector

  9. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    I'm not saying the info online is all true .......which is why I have spent so much time reading history books

    ..but now that I have a better understanding of the history of early america enland ...ireland ...and hong kong ......there are still a few things i dont quiet understand about coins .

    so i thought i would ask the members of cointalk a few questions

    and they have all been so very helpful ....[​IMG]:eek:
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    [​IMG] Originally Posted by irisheyes [​IMG]
    I hate to feed the troll, but seriously.

    Read more: I little quiz to test your common sense


    Or is it because I posed a simple question that destroys your entire theory in its entirety? Could that be why you don't want to listen to me???​

    Read more: http://www.cointalk.com/t202812-10/#ixzz1pb7hRLy2
  10. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    another intelligent cointalk member with nothing much to say
  11. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    im sorry ziggy ..what was you question
  12. ow9654

    ow9654 Irish,British collector

    Irish seriously you have plenty to say thats not intelligent (see what I did there), you avoid questions being asked, try to make out your coin is real.
    You can clearly see that in this (helpful and nice) community you are getting no where with A. your theories B. your coin
    If you want to prove our community wrong come back with a form of proof that A. makes sense and B. has been looked at by some other person who has generally good opinions before putting it up here.
  13. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

  14. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    He's a 'she'........:)
  15. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    can you explain why this secret masonic symbol that was not intended to be a piece of currencey, but rather a masonic token, is on the colonial currency that I have posted? Isn't it proof that this design is not really what you think it is?

    Read more: http://www.cointalk.com/t202812-10/#ixzz1pbIimhse

    he mason order was very much involved with the all of the important events
    of american history ...many of the members were were the founding fore fathers of the country and many of the symbols are included in coinage and other formal documents etc

    There is a huge amount of information on that topic in all american history books

    its odd how they knew of the masonics involvement with the dollar bill ....wonder why they didnt think to apply it to the dollar coin ......?

    because they didnt know about the dollar coin ..because it wasnt a dollar coin ...and it was unknown to the general public

    do you think for one moment that Ben Fraklin and his masonic buddies didnt know there were masonic influance on the coin ...of course they did

    they made it .......!!!

    ahhaha ..LOL !
  16. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    You'd be surprised at how many founding fathers distanced themselves from secret society's.......
  17. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    One more time Irisheyes, Why did the US strike a coin for a city that would not even be in existence for 100 years?

    Many of the people have said they wish you to answer this question, since that is basically the basis of your hypothesis. Could you please answer this direct, short, and to the point question?
  18. ziggy9


    please go back and look at post number 124 on page 9 of this thread. this image of the dollar coin appears on the paper currency i have posted there along with an explaination of why the coin was designed but not put into use.

  19. ziggy9


    the point is that this was NOT a secret symbol for use only by the masons but was in use already on the paper currency of the day.
  20. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    The 'way back machine' is temporarily out of order so she'll have to get back to you later Chris........:)
  21. ziggy9


    Why was the coin designed? Because the paper currency of the day was being counterfeited in large quantities by the British.

    Why wasn't the coin put into use? because the counterfeit problem was resolved by Ben Franklin when He developed the Leaf design reverse that was almost impossible to copy exactly.
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