George III One Penny (1797)

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by ytrebil, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. ytrebil

    ytrebil New Member

    I have them listed at the moment to sell but I'm unsure of what these coins would fetch in the States or even in the UK?

    I did a search on here for "George III" and someone had a thread with George III penny, but I'm pretty sure it was a halfpenny as it looked a lot smaller than this one. It's a big, weighty coin for sure!

    Christ, got so many coins (hundreds, even thousands) to trawl through to try and sell.
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  3. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Sorry, I don't know the value, but I'll try to check it out.
    Nice coin, tho.
  4. Becky

    Becky Darkslider

    I paid $50 for mine.....wonderful big old coins. They are nicknamed cartwheels.:smile


  5. ytrebil

    ytrebil New Member

    Thanks Becky. Considering the age of the coin, it's size and the condition yours is in Becky, $50 sounds bloody reasonable! I'm no expert - far from it I may add! ;)

    Imagine carrying these big coins around back in the day. More of a weapon.
  6. JBK

    JBK Coin Collector

    Is that the penny or two pence? In any case, I paid 30$ for a nice 2p with great detail and no real rim damage. I think that was a good price, but they are not worth too much more in great condition, and can be worth a bit less if worn or dinged.
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