Post your nickels

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by zach67005, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. zach67005

    zach67005 Active Member

    I'm talking denomonition and or composition, so no Trimes allowed(J/K). 5c, 3c, doesn't matter. Show us your best & worst examples. Toned, blast white, dug from a pit in the back yard! I'll start!


    Pics are taken on my new Celestron dig microscope @ a higher resolution, so they should blow up nicely!:yes: It's a great scope(Better than the V-micro one), but the lights don't turn off so all pics are shot at a slight angle.
    Sorry if a duplicate thread, I didn't any others when searching.
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  3. zach67005

    zach67005 Active Member

    1867 shield nickel rev.jpg 1867 shield nickel RPD, die cracks obv.jpg
    My favorite one, 1867 with RPD & multiple die cracks & some good honest wear. I almost lost her for a few days, but the other party was kind enough to let me trade some 40% to get her back.
  4. zach67005

    zach67005 Active Member

  5. kookoox10

    kookoox10 ANA #3168546

    Can't wait to throw a couple up on here after work. Nice original Jeffersons and an honest worn shield!
    Southernman189, sel w and Heavymetal like this.
  6. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    Post your nickels? All of them? Uh, OK


    This was last updated on January 1st, 2012 and there have been some upgrades since then. To see the enlarged photos and upgraded examples including my new 1943/2-P NGC MS67, click the link below that will take you to my NGC registry set.

  7. kookoox10

    kookoox10 ANA #3168546

    Yeesh! Can we say "buffet for the eyes"?!?
  8. Cazkaboom

    Cazkaboom One for all, all for me.

    Once again, Lehigh, you have got my heart with those colors! Where's the jealous emoticon?

    Here's my few:
    and more nickel
  9. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    BTW Zach, that 1950-D should be the poster child for why strike designations do not equate to a well struck coin. Here is the poster child for a well struck coin that has no steps.

  10. TexasJarhead

    TexasJarhead Junior Member

  11. zach67005

    zach67005 Active Member

    Image19.jpg Image20.jpg
    Geez, Lehigh. That is a lot to absorb. I'll go one at a time on mine, LOL. Bummer about the steps. The 50-D lacks a good clean sharp strike, but has superb "Ghosting" in hand
    She has a few hits, but good steps.
  12. TexasJarhead

    TexasJarhead Junior Member

  13. kookoox10

    kookoox10 ANA #3168546

  14. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    What is "ghosting"?
  15. Lincoln Cents

    Lincoln Cents Cents not pennies

    You may know it as a heavy die transfer. It's when the luster resembles the the other face of the coin.
  16. TexasJarhead

    TexasJarhead Junior Member

    Very nice luster so it looks great up close.
  17. Lincoln Cents

    Lincoln Cents Cents not pennies

    Coins_Aab 038.jpg Coins_Aab 035.jpg
    This centime has a little bit of "ghosting" on the reverse.
  18. Melina

    Melina Nickel Addict

    Found while roll searching:

    Mis aligned Die 1977 nickel

    1938S I found

    Southernman189 likes this.
  19. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    OK, where is the ghosting on the OP's coin? It looks normal to me and the excessive die wear must be hiding it.
    Southernman189 likes this.
  20. Lincoln Cents

    Lincoln Cents Cents not pennies

    I can *sort of* see it. I wouldn't classify it as ghosting based on the pictures, though.
    Southernman189 likes this.
  21. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    Is it similar to the "halo effect" found on many Jefferson Nickels?

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