"Where's George" dollar bill

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by mizozuman2, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. mizozuman2

    mizozuman2 that random guy

    I have been wanting one of these for years and i finally got on this morning after buying me a nice hot chocolate.

    How many "Where's George" bills have you had an encounter with?
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  3. lucyray

    lucyray Ariel -n- Tango

    Only one for me. And I tucked it away somewhere, totally missing the point of seeing where our dollars travel. Shame on me!
  4. mizozuman2

    mizozuman2 that random guy

    The one i got was just put out last year, i was the first to put input into it. it traveled from Concordia, Kansas all the way to El Dorado, it was 128 miles in 102 days. still crisp and in pretty good shape!
  5. james m. wolfe

    james m. wolfe New Member

  6. mizozuman2

    mizozuman2 that random guy

    i am at school, so i have no camera other than my laptops camera, but it's not very good and won't take very good pictures. I'll take some when i get home. :)
  7. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

    School first, pics later.....

    But we want pics!!!! :hail:
  8. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Could have walked it faster!
  9. james m. wolfe

    james m. wolfe New Member

  10. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    I come across WG $1's all of the time. I usually find 1-2 per $500 or so $1's that I strap search thru. I used to just write down all of the S/N's and just enter them in later even after I've already spent them, but all that takes too long. I'm busy enough as it is. Another thing that kind of led me away from contributing to WG is when I found a star note that was stamped WG. That kind of upset me, actually. That's just not cool and slightly selfish to stamp a bill that you know many people collect..:dead-horse: I saw nothing wrong with WG until that bill. I even know some people that collect star notes and older bils just to stamp them and spend them... I'm personally against that.
  11. Cazkaboom

    Cazkaboom One for all, all for me.

    I've came up with about 10 of these things in my time Every time I got one, I spent it without entering. So George is lost.
  12. GreatWalrus


    I entered bills in Where's George for a while... then got lazy. Too much work lol.
  13. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    Poor George:(.........:p

  14. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    I find the "Where's George?" and "Where's Willy?" (Canada's version) all the time. There's probably 1 or 2 in the till every other day or so. I know what the intention is but being a banknote collector it's frustrating to find a nice radar or other collectible note with "Where's Willy" stamped or scrawled all over it.
  15. james m. wolfe

    james m. wolfe New Member

    Washington_Valley_Forge2_1977-13c.jpg please god , no more!!! :D
  16. krispy

    krispy krispy

    Why did you wait years? If you had wanted one just take out a pen and your note of choice, write "wheresgeorge.com" all over it. Voila!

    Buy their stamp and you can become a veritable production house of WG notes.
  17. JCB1983

    JCB1983 Learning

    I ran into quite a few of these back in the day. George spent a lot of time in G-strings.
  18. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    I used to see them more than I do today...but I will admit that I handle cash less these days too. I personally am not bothered by these bills. I know some people get really upset when they see a star note stamped...because they feel that our hobby isn't being respected. Well, to 99.99% of people out there it's just a $1 bill...even to WG people. I'll bet most don't even know that a star note is anything special.
  19. 5dollarEdunote

    5dollarEdunote Coin Connoisseur

    I've found two of them. I know you're not supposed to do this, but I keep them every time.
  20. kookoox10

    kookoox10 ANA #3168546

    Received a five this morning from the gas station with the "where's george". I don't usually do anything with them. I do what everybody else does..."pass the buck"!
  21. james m. wolfe

    james m. wolfe New Member

    test_cropping_1_thumb128.jpg you let the secret out !!! :D
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