Post your star finds to date

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by tbudwiser, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    You didn't have to have necessarily kept it to put it down on here. I have kept all mine. I am once again, as I do with most of my listings, excluding $50's and $100's for myself, but feel free to post whatever! I am using this thread to gather up more friends, too, because I only have 8 haha. I am also mostly interested to see if people out there are still finding older style stars. I know that I have seen a few postings on here about them. I keep all old style bills, but a good usual rule of thumb is if you can still find stars in circulation, the regular version isn't rare or worth keeping. I think this could also be good for beginners to over view and get a general idea of star note rarity. If you know how much you've gone through to get what you got, please share that as well. I, myself have gone through $24,500 in ones to date.

    Anyways, here are all my strap/teller finds to date for denominations $1-$20. I am only posting the serial start FRB letter and the first 3 numbers to keep it short, yet that way you are still able to tell from what run:

    1995: (1) G118* (oldest star note from all my finds to date)
    2003: (2) E103* & F000*
    2003A: (14) J025*, J022*, E000*, F005*, F024*, C019*, C000*, C026*, C033*, C017*, C018*, C034*, B076*, & B068*
    2006: (37) 8 San Franciscos (at least one from every run), 5 Dallases (at least one from every run), 2 Kansas Cities, 11 Chicagos (same as others), 3 Atlantas (2 of which are from lower FW run), 8 NY's (at least one from every run).
    2009: (1) B00033131* AU

    2003: (3) all from the same strap of $2's, but not consecutive. I000*, I000*, I025*.

    2003: (1) DL094*
    2003A: (1) FG002*
    2006: (3) IA033*, IF018*, & IF020*

    2003: (2) DJ001* & DJ000*
    2004A: (12) GG000*, consecutive GG002*'s, GB005*, & GA011*

    1996: (1) AB001*
    2004: (10) EL046*, EL041*, EK002*, EE033*, EG067*, EG067*, EF007*, EF031*, EF013*, & EA089*
    2004A: (4) GB000*(320k run), GF001*, GE028*, & GE016*
    2006: (5) IF000*(320k run), IF000*(320k run), IK022*(SOI print run), IE018* (SOI print run), & IG059*.

    That wraps it up. I am looking for Series 2009 stars for all of these denominations. No $5's yet. And what's up with the '09 $10's? How come they suddenly stopped printing them? If you guys want to see pictures of particular bills, let me know.
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  3. jlg1130

    jlg1130 New Member

    I've found many, many more stars than listed here (my collection contains more non stars, than stars) but these are the ones that are currently in my collection, that I can think of off the top of my head:

    $20: Series 1990, D* (Cleveland)

    $1: Series 2006, Two G*'s (Chicago, one w/3 digit serial), one B* (NY from 640K run).
    Series 2009, 1 B* (NY, from run 1 of this series of stars).

    These are all that I can remember at the moment, as I'm at work right now, and don't have the collection with me. I've not included any serial number info because I honestly can't remember them off the top of my head, but can/will post pics later, if anybody would like me to.

    ---No longer in my possession, or notes not found yet---

    I'm trying to recall any stars that I used to have, but have since either spent, or sold. I've come across so many $1 stars, that I don't remember anything about any of the ones that have since left my hands.

    I've not found any $2 stars yet.

    For $5's, I did find a series 2003 DL*, but it was ragged, so I spent it. I also found a 2006 colorized star once, but don't remember anything about it, other than giving it as a gift to my cousins son.

    $10's: the only $10 star I've found was a series 2004A GL*, but spent that. It was from a 1.9m note run, I think, and may have been in Good condition, at best.

    $20's: Within the last two months I've found a 2004 $20 EC*, but don't recall any specifics on it, and also a 2004A GE*, but had to let that one go too.

    $50's: None yet

    $100's: I've only found one $100 star. It was a 2003A FB*, from run 1 (160K note run) and was in fantastic condition. However, I choose not to keep $100's, due to the high face value, so I sold it to a friend, and fellow enthusiast for face value. I still get to visit with it, from time to time. :D
  4. baubry

    baubry New Member

    Hey there, new star note collector. I have a job that allows me to thumb through large amounts of 1's and other currency, so when I find a star I switch it out for a bill in my wallet and have now collected 29 $1 star notes.

    [TABLE="width: 230"]






























    I know most of these are too common to be worth much, but I think they're cool. The majority of my G*'s are second run, which is oddly a 3,712,000 note run instead of the usual 3,200,000. I also found a few other interesting ones:

    [TABLE="width: 230"]

    1969 B
    [TABLE="width: 230"]



    A binary note! That was actually a pretty early find. If only I had found the bill printed 300 bills later... The 1969B is one of the most crisp bills I've ever found, so I don't think it was circulated until I found it. And the 2006 note is the lowest I've ever found.

    Any idea on which of these are actually worth keeping, and which ones I should just go ahead and spend?
  5. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    Is a new star note collector someone who has been obbssessvily buying/strap searching it non-stop daily for 3 years? ;P. If so, I am deffinately a new star note collector:D. I guess it would be new for someone who has been collecting long enough to have a 1969B uncirculated note from circulation lol. Oh wait a minute, I now realize that you were speaking of yourself being new, haha.

    Anyways; they are all keepers, so long as you can afford to do so. I especially appreciate your 2009 Boston $1's stars. I only have one example from the NY district, more common, as I mentioned in my original post. Your Boston '09 are all from 640k runs. Nice!:) Keep doing what you are doing; it will pay off! Plus for me, I love to walk down to the bank and get as many $1 straps as can fit in my pocket and look through them.
  6. Dr Kegg

    Dr Kegg Star Note Fanatic

    Hmmm...I might be able to post my stars here after I get home from work.
  7. baubry

    baubry New Member

    Ha ha, yeah that first line probably should have read "New star note collector here".
    If I'm not mistaken, only one of my Boston 09 bills is from a run of 640,000. The other is from a full run of 3,200,000.
  8. fish968

    fish968 New Member

    Here are some of my most recent star notes that I picked up from the bank. 2 dolla.jpg pic$.jpg pic.jpg
  9. Dr Kegg

    Dr Kegg Star Note Fanatic

    Here are the newest stars I got. All of the 2009 $1 notes. Too bad the NY note is a little beat up.

  10. jlg1130

    jlg1130 New Member

    Here are a few pics of my stars, past and present. Actually, I still have the bottom 3 (and intend on keeping them) but the $100 now belongs to a buddy of mine.

    '03A low run $100
    Picture 002.jpg

    Low serial '06 Chicago star
    Picture 011.jpg

    '09 NY star
    Picture 014.jpg

    1990 $20 Cleveland star
    Picture 033.jpg


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  11. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

  12. Shoewrecky

    Shoewrecky Coin Hoarder

    My Star Notes:
    IF 03896923 Series 2006
    EF 00878360 Series 2004
    IF 04092061 Series 2004
    AA 04063953 Series 1996

    IF 02252271
    IA 03032556
    IF 00821884

    [TABLE="width: 180"]

    B 05375754 Series 2006

    B 03928885 Series 2006

    B 04284474 Series 2006

    B 04798875 Series 2006

    B 05430043 Series 2006

    B 05734101 Series 2006

    B 06135676 Series 2006

    B 06272474 Series 2006

    F 03896177 Series 2006

    F 04088723 Series 2006

    F 06343163 Series 2006

    F 06751686 Series 2006

    G 00436945 series 2006

    G 03021558 Series 2006

    G 04252935 Series 2006

    L 05696307 Series 2006


    [TABLE="width: 180"]

    G 04347559 Series 2003

    B 11414391 Series 2003A

    C 01333586 Series 2003A

    C 02677547 Series 2003A

    E 04038087 Series 2003A

    F 12899364 Series 2003A

    F 13889383 Series 2003A

    J 00022129 Series 2003A

    G 01461567 Series 2001

    E 07224999 Series 1988A

    L 45400454 Series 1963B

    93418131 B Series 1957

    74984244 B Series 1957

    Alok Verma likes this.
  13. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    As I said in my post, so far I only have one 2009 $1 NY star from circulation. When they were first released, I bought a $50 star. I was actually surprised how fast it had been relesed into public for the person who sold it to me to have. So I have two total 2009 stars, but I bought the first one... I am deffinatey trying to get a district set of 2009 star though...
  14. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    Are those all only circulation finds? Or did you actually buy some of them? Still, cool collection!
  15. tbudwiser

    tbudwiser Active Member

    I heard about that 1990 $20 * in some other thread... When exactly did you find it? Is that a recent find or have you had it for a while, or did you get it for face from a friend or something. I just couldn't imagine an older style $20 * like that staying in circulation for so long...
  16. jlg1130

    jlg1130 New Member

    It was an ATM find, actually.

    I withdrew some cash this past summer, at a drive thru ATM, and after the bills popped out, I threw them on my passenger seat, while I got my ATM card back from the machine, and put it back in my wallet.
    Well, when I tossed the bills, they kind of fanned out on the seat, and I saw the edge of that 1990 sticking out amongst the others. I was quite surprised to not only find a small face $20 from an ATM, but a star note, no less.

    It was one of those finds that just makes your day. I was on cloud nine, for quite a while, afterwards.
  17. wacky1980

    wacky1980 Active Member

    i started collecting stars about 2 weeks ago at the bank. i only sit in a teller window when i'm covering someone's vacation, so i had a couple good weeks to check bills at the drive-up for the first half of october while the regular teller was off. i haven't bought every star i've seen because i can't afford to pull out all the $50 and $100 stars i come across, but i keep all the singles and everthing i can afford up through $20's right now. if i find one in better condition or with a lower serial, i trade one out, so my collection is pretty small right now. also, i had to use a $20* today to buy groceries, so i'm down to one at the moment. anyways...

    2009 $20 JD 00136389 * (640k run)
    2006 $5 IF 01936585 *
    2009 $1 A 00410176 *
    2006 $1 F 05417628 *
    2009 $1 B 00787220 *
    2006 $1 L 04437968 *
    2003A $1 C 01737845 *
    2003A $1 B 03354222 *
    Alok Verma likes this.
  18. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Here are just some of mine. FRN1.jpg FRN2.jpg FRN4.jpg
  19. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.


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  20. Shoewrecky

    Shoewrecky Coin Hoarder

    All but three are circulation finds. The 3 I bought was the Radar/Star Note (63) and the 2 1957's which I got for a good deal (The dealer had them in with the non-star note collection)
  21. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    my 1976 Series Uncut sheet of 4 Two US Dollar- CLEVELAND DISTRICT Fancy Number as D 01119111* A Repeater?
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