Post Your Best Favorite Error Coins.

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by redwin117, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    I welcome everyone to post your best favorite error coins. Mine is one of Best Example a Double Denomination with Two Full Dates 1995-a key date.
    Coin Fact Encyclopedia

    One of the most expensive, popular, and desired types of errors are the double denominations. This error happens when a coin is struck on a previously struck coin of another denomination. Examples are a cent on a struck dime, and a nickel on a struck cent. The most dramatic are those with considerable design visible from the original strike.
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] The Present the two top great leaaders voted by Presidential Historian Society. Number One Pres. Abraham Lincoln & No.2 Pres. Frank Delano Roosevelt.

    Hope everyone like this.
    Kurisu, Islander80-83 and loopytoad74 like this.
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  3. Jon4485

    Jon4485 Junior Member

    Nickel.jpg I don't own one of these nickel on cent planchet errors but i sure do like them especially in higher grades
  4. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    I am pretty sure that was NGC slab and a very nice error nickel on a cent planchet. What is the grade?:thumb:
  5. wooleytree

    wooleytree Operation Flamingo

    My Favorite error

    I bought this a few years ago and sold it to Fred Weinberg at the ANA show two years ago. The center is steel and the cent weighed 4.0 grams.

    Attached Files:

    • 1968.JPG
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    Kurisu and silentnviolent like this.
  6. djhughes

    djhughes New Member

    I found this one in a roll. I cant say this is my favorite error but the best one I have found to date.
    100_3406.jpg 100_3413.jpg
  7. zach24

    zach24 DNSO 7070 71 pct complete

  8. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    The way I look on your photograph the steel cent center and a copper cent joined together as they called it MULE error.- Lucky Fred.
  9. wooleytree

    wooleytree Operation Flamingo

    Well, Fred paid a very nice price for it! It helped pay for my family's 7 day cruise to Jamaica!
  10. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    Fred Knows better the coin is legitimate error that's why he paid you with a good price for it. Thanks for posting. So how's the trip from Jamaica?
  11. Jon4485

    Jon4485 Junior Member

    not sure of grade not my coin but i think its either ms 63 or 64 wish i had one :(
  12. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    Here is my NGC graded 1985-P Jefferson Nickel on an improperly annealed planchet:

    silentnviolent likes this.
  13. fish968

    fish968 New Member

    I got this about six months ago, no date nickel struck off center with a nice die crack on the reverse. DSC_0163-3.jpg DSC_0168-1.jpg DSC_0167-1.jpg
  14. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    How many step on Monticello? 5 or 6 Full step? Nice error too. Thanks for posting.
  15. nrk77

    nrk77 Junior Member

    This is the one that really got me into collecting, turned out not to be a true error but whoever made it did an excellent job. When I got this out of a change machine at work, I started seeing dollar signs but after doing a little research and a closer inspection the dollar signs went away but it makes for a good story, just wish it would've been the real thing.

    Wash-Sac mule1.jpg Wash-Sac mule2.jpg
  16. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    Visit this link with regards of Washington quarter and Sacagawea Dollar.
  17. Shoewrecky

    Shoewrecky Coin Hoarder

    redwin, I really like that error of yours..If you ever feel like getting rid of it I will gladly take it off your hands :)
  18. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    Thanks but still undecided yet to ged rid of this. I am still doing my homework and trying to find the right answer while surfing on the net.:smile;):thumb:

  19. SSG_Gonzo

    SSG_Gonzo Well-Known Member

    My Error

    gonzo_1922_12A_Obverse2_web.jpg gonzo_1922_12A_Revers1_web.jpg
    This would be my favorite. I cherry picked this 1922 P VAM 12A Peace Dollar from a Coin store for $36 and now I have to get her graded. Any takers on what she would grade at? Thanks.
  20. coinmaster1

    coinmaster1 Active Member

    I thought you had it on ebay? I did check your site the other day but found that it was unrenewed.
  21. zach24

    zach24 DNSO 7070 71 pct complete

    @SSG Gonzo: I think it graded at Ms-65/66, it almost looks PL in the pic, really nice :thumb:

    EDIT: I don't know if the photo makes it out to look better though, wait for another opinion.
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