Can you help me identify this Chinese Character Coin?!

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by phoasdragon, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    Was given this from an old student of mine, not too sure, can't really find anything on it... :headbang:

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  3. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    Updated with a better picture!!!
    the very top picture & very bottem one are the same.
    The 2 middle ones are the same...
    2 pics of each side.
  4. bradarv90

    bradarv90 Member

    Though I am not an expert I was comparing the symbols on this coin to a chart of Chinese characters and found a character that matched.
  5. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    Which way do you read it? north to south or west to east? there are 32 characters on the coin
  6. calumsherwood

    calumsherwood New Member

    it is more likely a medalion then a coin. what are its dimensions? size weight ect ...
  7. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

  8. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    Well now I want to know what it says!!! LOL
    Kinda like saying you have a secret but can't share it... hahaha
    Will you P.M what it means or a site where I can decode it? Which one do you think is in better condition? The one on the site or this one?

    You rock btw for finding that!!! Kinda hard if you can't translate it... lol:thumb:
  9. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    I'll have my husband get that when he gets home, more excitement for him :)

    When this was given to him, he was told by the person that is was a chess piece of the Ching dynasty. We never really looked into it, just thought it was a cool silver coin :)
  10. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    Here's a website about your coin in a little more understandable English. If your coin is real (and that's a big IF), it might be worth a considerable amount of money.
  11. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    the second website the characters are different on the coin...
  12. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    You're right, there are some characters that are different. I will have to take a better look at your coin.
  13. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

  14. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    Where can I take it to see if it is real?
  15. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    I'm really thankful for the help!!
  16. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    There are a couple of discrepancies I can't reconcile
    On one side of your coin, there is 商郁森盛
    and on the other side, there is 重壹両銀
    I can't yet find a coin that has this combination of front and back.
    I'm at a little disadvantage right now because I'm at work and can't do a proper search at this time.
  17. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

  18. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    That's cool! I"m glad your helping.. hard from here not knowing how to read it! So just your comments are helping me find more sites then I was! Thanks for everything you've done so far!
  19. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

  20. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    Unfortunately, I am not an expert on Chinese coins. I basically used my knowledge of the Japanese pronunciations of the Chinese characters to track down your coin. If you want to determine whether it's real or not, you can hope that an expert on Chinese coins can help you (there are at least a couple here at CoinTalk), or you can send it to a grading service for authentication. Good luck!
  21. phoasdragon

    phoasdragon New Member

    Well TAHNK YOU for helping me!!! Can you translate it to english for me in a private message? :)
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