Let's see your trainwrecks!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by thecoinlover, May 31, 2011.

  1. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

    Let's see your beat-up coins that you have! Inspired by cj415 who wished there was a thread like this. Here you go cj415!;)
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  3. Augustine1992

    Augustine1992 Member

    I was just about to do this! You beat me to it! I posted this in another thread half an hour ago but here it is again:

    Attached Files:

  4. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

  5. ratio411

    ratio411 Active Member

    When did they put Mick Jagger on the nickel?
  6. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

    Yeah I saw that thread. Is that a 1931-S? :eek:
  7. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

  8. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

    How much was it?
  9. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

  10. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

  11. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

  12. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    Here is my 1914-D Lincoln...it has seen better days.

  13. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

    Your the guy who made that story about the 1945-D penny?
  14. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

  15. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

    How'd you get the penny for 2 cents?
  16. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

    who me?
  17. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    LOL, I got this coin when I was in middle school. It was a Christmas present from my parents. I know it's in rough shape...but considering it's history, I love it. You can actually read the whole story behind this coin here: http://www.cointalk.com/content/7-coin-story.html
  18. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

    Thats what I meant Taylor1o1!
  19. swish513

    swish513 Penny & Cent Collector

    here's one i found on the curb
  20. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

  21. ratio411

    ratio411 Active Member

    Someone assasinated that Lincoln cent!
    (boo-hiss... ;) )
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