another russian coin

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by DeNhk, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. DeNhk

    DeNhk New Member

    so.. i still dont know any russian word :confused: sorry guys.. if you can help me again i would thank you so much.. i was searching information about this one before posting here but i didnt find anything. so if anyone can tell me name.. date, value etc.. there it is:

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  3. Krasnaya Vityaz

    Krasnaya Vityaz Always Right

    This coin is USSR ruble of 1965, commemorates 20th anniversary of great victory over fascist Germany. It is worth about 50¢ in USA, these now pretty common coins, and were even restruck during 1980ths.
  4. fastfun1111

    fastfun1111 Senior Member

    I believe it is a 1965 coin which is the 20th anniversary of WW 2 victory for Russia. My world coins book (1997) values it at $1 xf $2 unc and $6 proof.
  5. fastfun1111

    fastfun1111 Senior Member

    Looks like it took me to long to find it.
  6. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    This coin is awfully common. :) The year of the coin is noted on the edge of the coin.

    DeNhK, you seem to have a bit of Russian coins. You can check on for my collection and compare. :)
  7. DeNhk

    DeNhk New Member

    so this coin is 1 ruble of 1965 right?
    thanks guys for helping me out. i suck searching coins around the internet. luckly i found this site which you help me a lot. next time i'll bring some coins from israel.
    my russian collection is small.. my collection is not too big at all.. i guess i have like... 3k coins or something - from all countries. but its a good start right? :)
  8. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Sure you are doing a good job in identify the coins DeNhk. You might want to check to see what kind of coins there are and you can do a good comparsion ;)

    I have most of my Russian coins up there, which you should give it a check when you have time.
  9. DeNhk

    DeNhk New Member

    gxseries you have a great collection :) . i looked at its nice there because there are pictures of all coins and specifications.. i dont have pictures of all my coins... i just take from those ones that dont know specifications of it. maybe when i have a free time i will start taking photos of them to organize better.
  10. kins

    kins New Member

    it says: 1. ussr, one ruble, 2. 20 years of victory over the fashist germany
  11. Vyck

    Vyck New Member

  12. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    Not "rubra" but "rouble":smile
    I have such coin too.

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  13. Vyck

    Vyck New Member

    Nice :)! is quite famous considering that it's the Romanian national poet and Romania did not honored his commemoration, but Russia did.
    if you have one extra and you want it to exchange it with something, keep me in mind, I am open to negotiations.
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