Do you belong?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Boxeldercoin, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Boxeldercoin

    Boxeldercoin New Member

    Hi, I was just wondering how many of you out there belong to your local, state coin clubs or the ANA. I join every club who's coin shows I go to. These clubs sometimes spend more on a show then what they take in for table fees. It is just my way to say THANK YOU for another coin show. P.S. Are there any out there going to the Central States Show? Might be nice if the Coin Forum members going there could get together at the show. Just a idea.
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  3. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    I belong to none.
  4. Boxeldercoin

    Boxeldercoin New Member

    To bad for you. You don't know what your missing!
  5. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Currently I belong to four local clubs, two state organizations, one regional and five national organizations. Twelve clubs, I've gone down some lately.
  6. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle New Member

    Local club here died out.... :(
  7. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    I only pay dues to the ANA and CONECA. I only contribute to the local coin clubs by always attending their shows and performing commerce.
  8. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I belong to ANA, ANS, ONS, ACCG, local ancient club, and maybe a couple of others. Clubs really are great ways to stay attached to your hobby and help lend support to those who are collectors voices in Washington. Plus, access to their resources and publications can be invaluable. At the very least I would think most collectors here should belong to the ANA. They have had their troubles, but those people are gone and its in good shape now.

    P.S. Not planning on Central States, but I am planning on going to CICF if anyone else will be there. I think I will post on the World coins forum when it gets closer.
  9. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    I belong to ANA and my local coin club as well as the organizations in my signature line.
  10. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    As to the Central States question, I will probably attend Central States, and I will attend CICF. Not sure yet about ANA. (Three major shows in Chicago is a lot for me.)
  11. moneyer12

    moneyer12 i just love UK coins.......

    i am a member of the british association of numismatic societies and the ormskirk and south west lancashire numismatic society.
  12. RaceBannon

    RaceBannon Member

    I belong to ANA, I've been meaning to sign up for my local club forever. I attend all their coin shows.

    Maybe I'll get around to it after I clean out the garage.:D
  13. sunflower

    sunflower New Member

    My area club is a 90 minute drive in good weather. It also meets on a night that I have committed to Eastern Star and Masonic related activities. So I am currently not part of a local club. The president of our local club happens to be a longtime friend. I am a member of ANA.
  14. ziggy9


    I am a member of the ANA, Director-at-Large for the New England Numismatic Society, and I am the only name on the ballot for the position of Vice President of the Boston Numismatic Society, to be decided a week from today.

  15. quartertapper

    quartertapper Numismatist

    I am a member of ANA and NOW (Numismatists of Wisconsin). I am not an active member other than attending NOW shows. Our local coin club does not hold regular meetings, and has just one show annually, so I'm not excited about joining.
  16. Boxeldercoin

    Boxeldercoin New Member

    Hi, What part of Wisconsin? I use to live in Wisconsin Rapids until 2004 than move to South Dakota to watch my grandson grow up. Jim (boxeldercoin)
  17. quartertapper

    quartertapper Numismatist

    I'm from the Manitowoc area, forty minutes from Green Bay.
  18. Dimedude2

    Dimedude2 Member

    ANA for 7 years. Lots of excellent inforamtion and literature.
  19. EyeEatWheaties

    EyeEatWheaties Cent Hoarder

    I was thinking about joining my local club, thats as far as I got
  20. vnickels

    vnickels Matt Draiss Numismatics & Galleries

    ANA,ANS, and second-vice president of the local group.
  21. Cringely

    Cringely Active Member

    ANA, EAC, local club and about to join ANS.
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