Yep it's fake. Look at the surfaces and how they are pitted and rough. THen look at that seam on the edge. A coin that is minted will not have that.
Hello, Can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between an original 1940's-1960's Peter Rosa Becker restrike and an early 1800's Carl Wilhelm Becker restrike? Did they both make early American colonial restrikes? Thanks.
Hello, I have a Continental Currency Coin that I know to be a copy but I am not sure when it was struck. Based on the packaging that I found it in, I am thinking that it might be from the 1960s? I know absolutely nothing about this coin but find it to be beautiful. It looks to be either brass or bronze. I can't tell the difference. Please help if any of you experts might see a clue! Thank you, Jacoby
Thank you for your response. When you say 19th century do you mean it was a re-strike from the 1800s or 1900s? How would I know for sure?
It's a 1900d modern day replica prolly from the 50s-60s view the fugio cents site might give you a idea Sent from my C6740N using Tapatalk