continental currency 1776

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by ctcoinfound, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

    Yep it's fake.
    Look at the surfaces and how they are pitted and rough.
    THen look at that seam on the edge. A coin that is minted will not have that.
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  3. coin0709

    coin0709 CT Supporter

    Hello, Can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between an original 1940's-1960's Peter Rosa Becker restrike and an early 1800's Carl Wilhelm Becker restrike? Did they both make early American colonial restrikes? Thanks.
  4. Jacoby Lowney

    Jacoby Lowney New Member

    IMG_2985.JPG IMG_2985.JPG IMG_2987.JPG IMG_2983.JPG IMG_2984.JPG Hello, I have a Continental Currency Coin that I know to be a copy but I am not sure when it was struck. Based on the packaging that I found it in, I am thinking that it might be from the 1960s? I know absolutely nothing about this coin but find it to be beautiful. It looks to be either brass or bronze. I can't tell the difference. Please help if any of you experts might see a clue! Thank you, Jacoby

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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
  5. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    That's definitely a 19th century restrike nice one to

    Sent from my C6740N using Tapatalk
  6. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    I like the paper package

    Sent from my C6740N using Tapatalk
  7. Jacoby Lowney

    Jacoby Lowney New Member

    Thank you for your response. When you say 19th century do you mean it was a re-strike from the 1800s or 1900s? How would I know for sure?
  8. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    It's a 1900d modern day replica prolly from the 50s-60s view the fugio cents site might give you a idea

    Sent from my C6740N using Tapatalk
  9. l.cutler

    l.cutler Member

    Definitely 20th century not 19th but can't tell you anything else. Pretty neat copy though.
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