Proof dollar in roll?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by coins2010, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. coins2010

    coins2010 New Member

    I found a 1979 S Susan B Anthony dollar in a roll from the bank.It doesn't look like a proof except for the S. Why would somebody pay for a proof and then put it into circulation?
    I'm new at roll searching....does anyone else find proofs when looking through rolls?
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    Gratz on your find. Several reasons could cause a proof to turn up in circulation. Someones collection was stolen, someone had no other way to pay the bills or a relative passed away and there money got spent.
  4. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    San Francisco minted business strike Suzy B's in '79......
  5. coins2010

    coins2010 New Member

    Thanks. I thought San Francisco only did proofs. I am still learning.
  6. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    And learn you will if you stick around here. Welcome to the forum old fellow....:)

    Might I suggest the "Red Book"? A Guide Book to United States Coins by R. S. Yeoman. A good start to an Numismatic library which you are going to need. You are going to need to start collecting referance material if you're going to collect coins.....:)


    Thanks for steerin us back on track green18 i was stuck on proof I guess. lol
  8. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    It happens. We're so used to associating San Fran with proof only issues that we forget that they did indeed produce business strikes.....and fairly recently. :)
  9. krispy

    krispy krispy

    In recent weeks, I received an SBA $1 1979-S business strike in circulation.
  10. debordj

    debordj Debo

    I love this board. Just started a 7070 with my boys (6 and 7) and (although not all are choice) we filled our first holes with some coins that came from my deceased grandfather. The boys have 3 inch binders with their flips and about 3 pages of IKEs, SBAs, and Kennedys. So, we went through the coins on Saturday to pick out the best ones we wanted to put in there - since they have sentimental value.

    We picked out the SBA that was the nicest - still probably AU, but means something to us. Well I be darned, if it wasn't a filled S. Pretty cool I thought. We picked it because it had the best eye appeal but turned out to be the best dollar-wise too.

    Thought it was out of a proof or something, but now I learned something. Thanks!
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