It's Wacky Wednesday - Post a Wacky Looking Coin/Token!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by The Penny Lady®, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    So, let's liven things up a bit and post some fun and wacky looking coins and/or tokens - errors, weird designs, unusual shapes, funking colors, etc. I'll start.....

    Many of you have seen this one before, but I think it's pretty darn wacky!

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  3. Bone Head

    Bone Head Senior Member

    Wacky wacky..

    This is wacky.

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  4. Pilkenton

    Pilkenton almost uncirculated

    Here's mine.

    Last year, my son got a job helping move a car smasher in an auto junkyard. Underneath the smasher was over $800 in bent change, 13 bucks silver. They also found two bent rings and a smashed pistol.

    This is what I got out of it.:hail:

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  5. krispy

    krispy krispy

    Whack Coins Yo!



    1924 SLQ


  6. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    In a small hoard of these coins I bought were 5 identical grease jobs. It is a BU 1960- D/D date DDO and RPM-1960D-1mm-100, FS-1c-25.5.

    Someday, I will send them off :(



    This is what it should have looked like.

  7. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    A few from north of the border:




  8. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I spotted this one and just had to have it. When was the last time you saw a medal depicting the floorplan of a prison?


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  9. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector


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  10. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Still Wednesday here :D

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  11. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Not Wednesday here, but I want to play too :D

    Some kind of odd chemical toning on this one. Also been suggested that it has been contaminated some how.

  12. cwtokenman

    cwtokenman Coin Hoarder

    I wish it were still Wednesday.

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  13. cwtokenman

    cwtokenman Coin Hoarder

    I'll see if these pics display in an additional post.

    Guess not, you will have to click on them to see them.

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  14. poppa501

    poppa501 older'n dirt

    Yeah I know its Thursday, but I couldn't resist!

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  15. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    There are sure some very "wacky" looking coins folks, I love those shattered dies! Thanks for posting them - hope you enjoyed playing and watching!
  16. Ardatirion

    Ardatirion Où est mon poisson

    A day late - story of my life!

    Forger’s reverse die of sestertius
    mid 2nd century AD – AE or PB? 53.5g, 35x6mm
    four-tiered pyre topped by facing quadriga
    CONSECRATIO, SC in retrograde

    type of RIC 315, 1266 (Antoninus Pius); 333, 1511 (Lucius Verus); 441, 662 (Marcus Aurelius)

    ex Dmitry Markov New York Sale XI, unsold

    When a counterfeiter prepared his dies, he could either engrave them himself, in a style easily be distinguishable from official mint issues, or he could use a genuine, mint issued host coin. He would then impress this design into a piece of bronze and affix it to the iron die-shaft. This object likely represents a counterfeiter’s first attempt, a practice strike in lead.
  17. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

    Is that a real one? Wow did that die get used a lot.
  18. Evorlor

    Evorlor Member


    Kinda hard to see in this picture, but the mintmark D has a / going through it.
  19. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    "four-tiered pyre topped by facing quadriga"

    Funny name for a birthday cake :whistle:

    (lol sorry bad joke)
  20. Ardatirion

    Ardatirion Où est mon poisson

    If you want to eat a cake that had a body burned on it, by all means. :mouth:
  21. tonedcoins

    tonedcoins New Member

    Late but here's one.

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