Was browsing the bay, and came across this: Seller has no feedback, appears to be in China, yet the coin seems to be a pretty good counterfeit if it actually is. What diagnostics can you see on the coin that would signal counterfeit? Everything about the listing points in that direction except the images of the coin itself... thoughts?? Fetching $125+ at the moment. http://cgi.ebay.com/BEAUTIFUL-SLIVER-DOLLAR-/260624713411?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Coins_US_Individual&hash=item3cae7186c3
What a terribly expensive replica/counterfeit. I can't imagine why there would be a real 18th century American coin in China? But it's a fine looking counterfeit in my opinion.
a great buy That's what the thing says, "A Great Buy". And it is if it's real. Hard to tell with the price so low, though. At $145 with 8 mins to go. I think I will watch this unfold... let you know.
Hope you looked quick. It is gone. From what I could make out, there were bubbles around Liberty's neck and the bird's mouth did not look correct.
So, all of a sudden, the auction just ended.... not sure what happened, did someone flag the listing and get it removed? I'm not really familiar with eBay's policies on getting a listing removed, but it was 5 minutes from ending with someone ready to pay $150+ for what seemed a counterfeit, and the listing ended... strange.
The listing did not "end", it got ended by eBay. If anything else happens, you will still be able to see a finished listing for 90+ days. And, FWIW, eBay can and does pull them anytime from just after posting to a week+ after the listing closes. I reported it with ~12 minutes to go, but I am not that good. Someone else reported it earlier.