1943 copper penny found!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by khmer, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. khmer

    khmer Junior Member

    I think I have the last 1943 copper penny, It is real because i have tested everything from magnet testing and weigh 3.11 gram. The number 3 tail is long, I wonder if i should sell it or keep it. It has no mint mark meaning it was minted in Philadelphia. I wonder how much it is for the Philadelphia minted compare to the San Francisco mint that was sold for $200,000.

    I will post up the picture next week for you guys to see soon. Thanks for looking guys..
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  3. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    If it is the real deal, you should probably submit it for grading and authentication.

  4. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    That is the only way to tell if its real...

    Send it to PCGS/NGC first.
  5. Captainkirk

    Captainkirk 73 Buick Riviera owner

    Just a small warning, I have 3 copper 1943s, and most members here own one or have seen them. There are probably a thousand fakes out there, so the pictures are essential. hope we see a real one for once here.
  6. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    I've got 2 myself, one magnetic, one not, neither real. The only way to be sure if you've done all the usual tests is to go for certification.
  7. khmer

    khmer Junior Member

    Sounds good, I will post up some picture soon and then send it for certification.
  8. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    considering that the last one found was over 50 years ago, I would be willing to bet what you have was made in China.
  9. Tom B

    Tom B TomB Everywhere Else

    I wish you luck, but can tell you now that it is not a genuine, unaltered US Mint product. However, for $40-$50 you can find out by sending it to NGC or PCGS.
  10. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Here is the one I showed in my thread about a month ago.


    Counterfeit, non magnetic.

  11. khmer

    khmer Junior Member

    We will see when i post up the picture if you think it was made in China or not. To me i think its super real, cause i found it in my piggy bank which i haven't touch for over 11 years until now. I am not a coin collector until my friend show me she found a 1942 wheat penny, thats when i start looking for one too. In my piggy bank i found a 1942 copper penny, 1938 nickel, some 50's, 60's nickel and dime. Then i start researching how much penny are worth. I was shock i found a 1943 copper penny.
  12. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust

    What he said

    I'ld start slowing down on this one.

    Save the waste of spending on the obvious anwser. Y/N, too soon.

    Get some free critiques here before spending on a slabbing and their need to lock it up.

  13. LewR

    LewR Junior Member

    I would LOVE to see some 60's wheat pennies ...
    ColonialCoin4 likes this.
  14. BR549

    BR549 Junior Member

    Coin #13 is going to be unlucky, get rid of it pronto.
  15. khmer

    khmer Junior Member

    sorry my bad, i did not mean 50's 60's wheat penny. I was thinking about the nickel and dime. I was too happy i found the 1943 copper penny.
  16. khmer

    khmer Junior Member

    I will get some more picture soon.
  17. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    The color doesn't look right, looks very pasty
    I'd be willing to say that coin is a fake just by that picture.
  18. G-man422

    G-man422 Member

    I agree that is just doesn't look quite right. Can you get better/bigger pictures?
  19. khmer

    khmer Junior Member

    I will get a better camera to take the picture then and enlarge it. I have to go now see you guys next week. In real life the color is not like that.
  20. hamman88

    hamman88 Spare some change, sir?

    Because you found it in your piggy bank is more reason to believe it is fake. You would not of gotten a real one in change.
  21. Jim M

    Jim M Ride it like ya stole it

    Always people jumping on the fake bandwagon without seeing or knowing anything about the coin in question. Odds are, thats its a fake, but to say its a fake without any knowledge whatsoever is insane.

    I happen to know somebody who does in fact have a few copper 43's and Steel 44's. Watch Heritage, he has moved a few there recently. Where did he get them? FOUND THEM! They are out there in dresser drawers, water bottles etc that are being turned in on a daily basis with the economy in the toilet. I can not say anything definitive with the picture supplied.
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