Let's see your Conder Tokens

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Moonshadow, May 12, 2010.

  1. Moonshadow

    Moonshadow Member

    It would be fun to see examples of many various Conder Tokens, so I hope other Conder collectors will post some photos. This one is from Bath, England and was issued by a grocer named Mary Lambe. Bath is a very quaint town with beautiful Georgian architecture, and Roman bath houses that can still be seen today.

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  3. yarm

    yarm Junior Member Supporter

    The Prince of Wales crest tends to come poorly struck on most Conders so I was happy to find this example.

    swamp yankee likes this.
  4. Moonshadow

    Moonshadow Member

    That's a nice one yarm. Here is another one, slightly worn, but I like it anyway.

    swamp yankee and Daniel B like this.
  5. Larry Moran

    Larry Moran Numismatographer

    Another Allin's Panorama token

    That's a great example, yarm. It seems to have recieved a great strike on both sides, a fair indication that it was struck more than just once. I have heard that some Conders that were struck up to thirty times. Most makers did not have steam powered presses but used screw presses which were much less efficient.

    Here's an Allin's DH62 very similar to Moonshadow's. I have two examples of this issue. I'll post the other one soon. : )

    swamp yankee and Daniel B like this.
  6. hiho

    hiho off to work we go

    Middlesex 422 (Pidcock's Exhibition)...

  7. Larry Moran

    Larry Moran Numismatographer

    Wow, what an elephant

    That is among the finest Pidcock tokens I have seen, hiho.

    It looks like an MS-65 or so. Terrific -- what a looker, on both sides. : )
  8. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    I have a couple.

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    Daniel B and stevex6 like this.
  9. hiho

    hiho off to work we go

    Thanks for the compliment Larry.

    NGC called this MS62RB, which I felt was a little conservative. I also have a Middlesex 414 that looked at least MS64 to me that NGC called MS63RB. What do you think?


    Larry, if you ever land a gig at NGC grading Conder tokens I'll resubmit all my best ones...:D
  10. Larry Moran

    Larry Moran Numismatographer

    I'll be watching for your shipments, hiho. LOL Well, regarding the Middlesex 414, I would have some problems in grading higher than Net MS-63, since I consider 10% of the obverse to display MS-62 characteristics, yet the reverse seems fully MS-65 or so. It looks like NGC has limited the token's grade because about 10% of high points on the obverse look 62-ish.

    BTW, those are nice tokens, SiberianMan, and their rims seem to be free of problems. Nice pics, too. : )
    swamp yankee likes this.
  11. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Here is one


    Very best regards,
    swamp yankee, Daniel B and stevex6 like this.
  12. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    like the design of the wreath

    This is not a Conder token as it is dated 1811. I like the design of the wreath on this coin.
    swamp yankee and Daniel B like this.
  13. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Conder Token

    swamp yankee, Daniel B and stevex6 like this.
  14. farthing

    farthing Junior Member

    Middlesex National #972 - in a NGC 65 suit
  15. farthing

    farthing Junior Member

    Gloucestershire Gloucester DH 19 - Ottley reverse in copper (from ebay, seller pics)


    Another recent pickup on ebay - Yorkshire York DH69 (seller pics) The token is actually darker in hand and I believe it to be lacquered. Still a very nice token and one I've wanted for some time.

    swamp yankee, Daniel B and stevex6 like this.
  16. Moonshadow

    Moonshadow Member

    Wonderful tokens everyone! I know there are more out there. Even tokens that have appeared on other threads can be posted again here, because it is great fun to see a lot of nice tokens all in one place.
    Here is another one...

  17. conderluva

    conderluva Junior Member

    Great idea for a thread Moonshadow!
    Beautiful token farthing. Great contrast between the devices and fields.
    Also liking those Pidcock tokens, Hiho.

    Here's a rather humble Middx 995a.
  18. farthing

    farthing Junior Member

    One of these days I need to send my tokens out for good photos! Otherwise I depend on sellers pictures.

    Buckinghamshire Slough DH 22 - from the Stacks St. Ludovico & Firth of Clyde sale

    My pics - Angusshire Dundee DH 39Bis (RR) farthing token from Alan Davisson ex. Francis Cokayne

    Angusshire Dundee DH 41 (R) farthing token from Alan Davisson ex. Francis Cokayne
  19. farthing

    farthing Junior Member

    I seem to have an affinity for the Gloucestershire tokens.

    Gloucestershire Gloucester DH 1 (S) from Gary Sriro

    Gloucestershire Badminton DH 48 (S). From ebay seller copaceticcoppers (Frank Torino) ex. Alan Davisson ex. Noble. I love having the envelops and tickets from previous owners!
    swamp yankee and Daniel B like this.
  20. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Just enjoyin' the view. Marvelous conders folks......:D
    swamp yankee and Daniel B like this.
  21. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

    Great stuff guys!! I'm gonna go throw out my Conders after seeing these :(
    deacon2828 likes this.
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